Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT IF(visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,
NOT ISNULL(subscribethread.subscribethreadid) AS issubscribed, emailupdate, folderid,threadread.readtime AS threadread, forumread.readtime AS forumread,
FROM thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN subscribethread AS subscribethread ON (subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid AND subscribethread.userid = 1 AND subscribethread.canview = 1)
LEFT JOIN threadread AS threadread ON (threadread.threadid = thread.threadid AND threadread.userid = 1)
LEFT JOIN forumread AS forumread ON (forumread.forumid = thread.forumid AND forumread.userid = 1)
WHERE thread.threadid = 2266;
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 08:19:58 AM
Error Date : Thursday, January 7th 2010 @ 08:20:25 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : 190.233.***.***
Username : usuario
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
simplemente respondí un tema y salió ese mensaje