¿Algun mod tipo forobeta de comercio?

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Hola alguien conoce un sistema de puntos de comerciante tal igual como forobeta?, he buscado y encontré uno pero es mucho mas complicado para los nuevos usarlo, por ello pregunto si alguien conoce algo muy similar a forobeta.

[MENTION=27043]4kstore[/MENTION] te menciono ya que eres creo dueño de SMFsimple lo cual vende mods, quizás tengas uno.
Ocupa el SMF Trader System
De casualidad, Alguien lo tiene traducido?
De casualidad, Alguien lo tiene traducido?

compañero eso lo puedes traducir a tu gusto

agregando la traduccion a tu idioma
./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.espanish_es o el idioma que uses.php

el codigo debes agregarlo agregalo antes de


mini ejemplo.
$txt['smftrader_title'] = 'SMF Trader System'; 
$txt['smftrader_title'] = 'Sistema de trade Forobeta'; y asi vas editando uno por uno.

este codigo lo debes agregar y traducir .

//Begin SMF Trader System Text Strings
$txt['smftrader_title'] = 'SMF Trader System';
$txt['smftrader_version'] = '1.1';
$txt['smftrader_admin'] = 'Trader Settings';
$txt['smftrader_guest'] = 'Guest';
//Display text strings
$txt['smftrader_profile'] = 'Trade Count: ';
//Profile text strings
$txt['smftrader_submitfeedback'] = 'Submit feedback for ';
$txt['smftrader_totalfeedback'] = 'Total  Positive Feedback: ';
$txt['smftrader_positivefeedbackpercent'] = 'Positive Feedback: ';
$txt['smftrader_positivefeedback'] = '<span style="color: #006400;">Positive Feedback: </span>';
$txt['smftrader_neutralfeedback'] = 'Neutral Feedback: ';
$txt['smftrader_negativefeedback'] = '<span style="color: #FF0000;">Negative Feedback: </span>';
//Start trader.template

//Submit Transaction Rating
$txt['smftrader_whoareu'] = 'You were the:';
$txt['smftrader_buyer'] = 'Buyer';
$txt['smftrader_seller'] = 'Seller';
$txt['smftrader_trade'] = 'Trade';

$txt['smftrader_transaction'] = 'Transaction Rating:';
$txt['smftrader_positive'] = 'Positive';
$txt['smftrader_neutral'] = 'Neutral';
$txt['smftrader_negative'] = 'Negative';

$txt['smftrader_shortcomment'] = 'Short comment on your transaction:';
$txt['smftrader_shortcomment_small'] = 'Short Comment';
$txt['smftrader_shortcommentnote'] = 'Max: 100 characters';
$txt['smftrader_topicurl'] = 'Topic URL:';
$txt['smftrader_longcomment'] = 'Long comment on your transaction:';

//Rating Overview
$txt['smftrader_allfeedback'] = 'View All Feedback';
$txt['smftrader_sellerfeedback'] = 'View Seller Feedback';
$txt['smftrader_buyerfeedback'] = 'View Buyer Feedback';
$txt['smftrader_tradefeedback'] = 'View Trade Feedback';

//Page Titles
$txt['smftrader_feedbacktitle'] = 'SMF Trader System - Trader Overview';
$txt['smftrader_submittitle'] = 'SMF Trader System - Submit Feedback';
$txt['smftrader_reporttitle'] = 'SMF Trader System - Report Bad Feedback';

$txt['smftrader_contact'] = 'Contact';
$txt['smftrader_viewprofile'] = 'View full profile.';
$txt['smftrader_sendpm'] = 'Send this user a personal message.';
//End trader.template

$txt['permissiongroup_smftrader'] = 'SMF Trader';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_smftrader'] = 'SMF Trader';
$txt['permissionname_smftrader_feedback'] = 'Allow submit feedback';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftrader_feedback'] = 'Allows the user to submit trader rating feedback.';
$txt['permissionname_smftrader_deletefeed'] = 'Allow delete ANY feedback by ANY user.';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftrader_deletefeed'] = 'Allows the user to delete feedback by anyone or anybody.';
$txt['cannot_smftrader_feedback'] = 'You are not allowed to submit feedback.';
$txt['cannot_smftrader_deletefeed'] = 'You are not allowed to delete feedback.';
$txt['permissionname_smftrader_autorating'] = 'Auto Approve Ratings';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftrader_autorating'] = 'Ratings do not need to wait for approval if this permission is given.';

//END SMF Trader System Text Strings
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