ClickDealer - La plataforma todo en uno para monetizar Dating


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25 Feb 2020
Online education is booming, providing endless opportunities for businesses and marketers alike! EdX is the current talk of the town, offering a wide variety of courses from top universities in the US that cover a broad range of disciplines from data science to healthcare. With advertising angles covering all the most in-demand career paths, there is a multitude of approaches you can take to secure massive profits.

(145266) [WEB+MOB] edX /US - Revshare 8% [Approval Required]

The offer is capped at 50 leads per day until the advertiser gives the green light on traffic quality. However, with the opportunities this offer provides, it will not take long. Set up and enjoy!

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25 Feb 2020
In the vast ocean of affiliate marketing, countless offers come and go, but few remain timeless and universally relevant. One such offer is Reliable Credit Score. In the US, having a good credit score is crucial for a healthy economic life. Almost everyone needs to check their credit score at some point, whether they're buying a home, taking out a loan, or just being financially savvy. The free annual credit report might not be enough for more economically active citizens, and that's where this offer starts printing money.

(120484) [WEB+MOB] Reliable Credit Score /US RevShare [Approval Required]

With great rates across a multitude of commission groups, you monetize all of your traffic at great profit. Almost every American is a potential customer, so your options are wide open. Just keep in mind that to comply with regulations, it's best to avoid advertising in New York, West Virginia, Vermont, and Arkansas. Set up your targeting and cash in!

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25 Feb 2020
Today's featured offer is Namecheap - a brand that has stood the test of time, ensuring digital entrepreneurs and businesses get the online real estate they need at an affordable price. The appeal of Namecheap is universal. They have long been leaders in domain registrations and web hosting, and are currently offering a slew of other digital services that entrepreneurs, SMEs, tech enthusiasts, and budding startups rely heavily on.

(145625) [WEB+MOB] NAMECHEAP /INTERNATIONAL - REVSHARE UP TO 80% + CPS [Approval Required]

To ensure your success, Namecheap accepts a wide range of traffic types, but you must steer clear of brand bidding, retargeting, adult, and brand misspellings. Leverage the offer's wide coverage to your advantage and reap the benefits of a revshare of up to 80% across 20 commission types . Ready to go international?

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25 Feb 2020
Europe's top affiliate marketers will gather in Warsaw on September 11th for the Conversion Conf Meetup - one of the most important industry mixers you can attend this season. This event will be focused on the two main activities marketing executives love to engage in: networking and sharing knowledge.

When it comes to networking, expect the usual caliber of crowd that Conversion Conf events usually draw - influential industry figures and C-level executives. As for knowledge sharing, the event will feature four insightful speeches, including an eye-opening report from ClickDealer's CSO, Jane Ejim, on the boundless possibilities and infinite sustainability of the leadgen vertical.

Let us know if you are planning to go and we will gladly meet you at the event!



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25 Feb 2020
In today's highlight, we are hitting you with another evergreen, as everyone with internet access also occasionally requires plumbing services. The offer covers all of the US, and all you need to do to collect astronomical commissions is make sure the first number users see when they search for plumbing services is your tracking number. Nothing more, nothing less.

(132076) [MOB] Plumbing - RevShare /US [PPC] [Inbounds] [Approval Required]

Numbers speak louder than words, so here's something you might need ear protection for — the average EPC on this offer is $15.78. It's time to turn those clicks into calls and calls into cash.

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25 Feb 2020
Pay-per-call marketers assemble!

One of the biggest conferences in the industry,, is only two weeks away! From August 30th to September 1st, over 700 marketers, call center executives, entrepreneurs, and technology leaders will be in Denver, Colorado, discussing the latest advancements in the field, sharing customer-engaging and lead-generating strategies, and looking for new contacts to implement them with.

Of course, ClickDealer wouldn’t miss an event of that caliber, so let us know if you are planning a trip and we will be happy to meet up.

See you in Denver!



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25 Feb 2020
With rising inflation come rising healthcare costs, and health insurance is becoming that much more of a vital topic for many Americans. Some are looking for a starter plan, others are searching for something more affordable to switch to, and yet others are looking for an upgrade. Today's featured offer lets you help those people in their searches and earn serious commissions in the process.

(146250) [WEB+MOB] Health Insurance U65 ACA /US Email Only [Approval Required ]

Check out the Creatives section for tested banners and email subject lines and make sure to get your own creatives approved by the advertiser. It's time to put your mailing list to work!

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25 Feb 2020
The water contamination incident at Camp Lejeune may not be as widely recognized as other environmental catastrophes, but it has gained increasing attention in recent years. This presents an opportunity for you to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected while earning substantial commissions.

(146603) [WEB+MOB] Camp Lejeune $180/125s /US [PPC] [Inbounds] [Approval Required]

The target demographic is quite specific:
only those who served at or lived near Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, are eligible for this offer. However, with nearly 1 million people impacted by water contamination, fine-tuning your targeting efforts could be well worth the sizeable payout. Claimants get compensated, justice gets restored, and you get your commission. Everyone is better off.

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25 Feb 2020
The main theme of today's offer highlight is abundance. Between the massive lineup of products from fashion brands on the international marketplace Farfetch and every category of goods a department store like UK's Selfridges has to offer, you've got an abundance of products to promote and users to monetize. The revshare rates are certainly following the theme as well.

(146186) [WEB+MOB] Farfetch /International - Revshare 4%
(146195) [WEB+MOB] Selfridges /UK - Revshare 8.96%

Most channels you can use to engage fashionistas are fair game on Farfetch as long as you stay clear of trademark keywords and coupons/cashback. For Selfridges, make sure to check out the restrictions in its offer description. Shopping is about to ramp up at the turn of the season, set up a quick campaign and cash in!

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25 Feb 2020
It's no secret that climate change is an increasingly pressing issue, but many people are drawn to solar panels not because of their environmental benefits but because they offer a solution to rising energy costs.This is particularly relevant in the Netherlands and Belgium, where energy bills have surged by 17% and 22% in the past year, sending the demand for solar panels surging upward.

(146405) [WEB+MOB] Paneelprijzen Solar /NL/BE SOI [Approval required]

Local governments offer various incentives to encourage citizens to adopt solar power, making your target audience more open to a purchase. With various traffic sources allowed on the offer, it is an accessible way to get into solar. Move with the times and realize that money is greener than ever in 2023!

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25 Feb 2020
The European Summit is gathering up performance marketing thinkers and doers in Prague for another massive industry mixer.

From September 18th to 21st, a 4-day marathon with over 200 exhibitors and a schedule packed with 75 speakers will open its doors to everyone with a ticket and a desire to fast-track their career. You will have no problem finding vital contacts and useful insights regardless of your preferred vertical and monetization model.

Get ready for C-level discussions both onstage and at the Meet Market. ClickDealer will be attending, and we would be happy to meet up.

Let us know if you are planning a trip, and we will see you in Prague!

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25 Feb 2020
Nothing prepares you better for success in online fashion retail than success in offline fashion retail. Today's featured offer is from Oluxury, a multibrand luxury retailer founded in Parma in 1994, that currently counts 110 employees, 15 stores, 2000mq of exhibition space for sales, and 55 shop windows in Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, and Bologna. In the last 20 years, Ò has cooperated with more than 300 brands and has reinforced its primary position in the distribution channels, providing peak Italian fashion to loyal customers.

(146874) [WEB+MOB] Oluxury /International - Revshare up to 12% [Approval required]

Take users window shopping in Milan with Oluxury's careful selection of fashion partners and collect a hefty 12% commission for each order. But, act swiftly – this exceptional rate is only available until October 15th! Battere il ferro finché è caldo!

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25 Feb 2020
If you feel like there has been a bit of an influx of health insurance offers in our highlights lately, it is because there absolutely has been, and it continues as we keep setting up great offers in the vertical. This email-exclusive Medicare offer is a great example with simple advantages: competitive rates and effective creatives.

(147269) [WEB+MOB] Get Health Insurance Medicare (M-F) /US (Approval Required)

In 2022, according to the 2023 Medicare Trustees Report, Medicare provided health insurance for 65.0 million individuals—more than 57 million people aged 65 and older and about 8 million younger people. Getting any ideas about targeting yet?

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25 Feb 2020
Traveling in September is a popular choice for many people as the weather is usually perfect, and there are fewer crowds in tourist spots compared to peak season. Interestingly, in 2022, the number of international travelers in September even surpassed those in August. Today's featured offers target both the United States and Germany, so you have a massive audience to work with.

(147296) [WEB+MOB] LATAM Airlines /US - Revshare up to 1.2% [Approval Required]
(147107) [WEB+MOB] Condor /DE - Revshare 0.8% [Approval Required]

Autumn travel is particularly appealing to those without children in school.
Think about couples, solo travelers, and older adults who can take full advantage of this opportunity for a perfect getaway. Set up a campaign, dial in your targeting, and watch your ROI travel into the stratosphere.

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25 Feb 2020
It's common knowledge that China and the US dominate the solar panels market, but did you know that Germany also holds a substantial share? In fact, Germany is the world's third-largest market for solar panels, having experienced a 35% growth in the past year alone.

(146992) [WEB+MOB] RLM - Phototalk Solar Service /DE SOI [Approval Required]

The primary motivations for installing solar panels are saving energy costs and reducing environmental impact. While homeowners do most solar panel installations in Germany, there has been an increase in commercial and industrial installations.

Ready to illuminate pathways to greener futures and bigger profits?

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25 Feb 2020
If you're looking for an ecommerce brand that has a strong reputation across multiple countries, including the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and several European nations, then Vevor is definitely worth checking out! They offer a diverse selection of high-quality goods ranging from kitchenware to sporting goods, all at competitive prices.

(105527) [WEB+MOB] Vevor /US/UK/CA/AU/DE/FR/ES/IT/NL/PL/MX - Revshare 4.8% [Approval Required]

Plus, they have plenty of great perks to make the shopping experience even better, like a 1-year warranty on their products, a 30-day free return policy, and more. With all of these benefits, it's no wonder that Vevor has a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more. It's your chance to take advantage of its popularity!

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25 Feb 2020
ClickDealer is excited to announce its participation in the Mass Torts Made Perfect (MTMP) 2023 conference, taking place from October 10th to 12th in Las Vegas, USA. With a known reputation of excellence, this event promises to be the largest gathering of mass tort attorneys in the world, attracting over 2,000 participants from all across the USA. With thousands of experts and companies congregating in one place, MTMP 2023 offers an unparalleled opportunity to network, collaborate, and build lasting relationships.

At MTMP 2023, ClickDealer team will be available to discuss how our expertise in digital marketing and lead generation can benefit your practice. We understand the importance of identifying and reaching those who may have a claim, and we’re here to assist you in achieving your goals.

See you in Las Vegas!

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25 Feb 2020
Today's featured offer is a unique offer tailored for those under 65 seeking ACA-compliant health insurance in the US. It meets a vital need in the current healthcare landscape, catering to a diverse audience from young adults to families and older individuals not yet eligible for Medicare.

(146250) [WEB+MOB] Health Insurance U65 ACA /US Email Only [Approval Required]

Here are some helpful tips to get started. The daily cap is 100 conversions, which may increase once we assess your traffic. Our intel shows the CR on this offer averaging out at 8.84% with a $1.33 EPC, so take that as a benchmark and aim to surpass it!

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25 Feb 2020
It's been a while since we've shared any dropshipping offers with you, but we're excited to feature three great options this time. Each one caters to a specific niche, but they have the potential to appeal to a wide range of people. Focusing on a single product and highlighting its benefits can be really profitable.

(148208) [WEB+MOB] Operation Blackout (VSL) /US [Approval required] $40
(148209) [WEB+MOB] Hair Halo Sonic Blow Dryer /US Trial [Approval required] $20
(148210) [WEB+MOB] Pulse Relax (DM) /US [Approval required] $48

Just a little insider tip - our intel shows that native traffic works best for these offers, but social and search are also allowed. The daily cap is 100 conversions, which is pretty generous and should give you a good start. So take that little bit of intel and see where it can take you.

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25 Feb 2020

Unlock the Power of Smartlinks

Choosing the right affiliate offers for your audience is crucial, but it is not always feasible when your traffic has a diverse array of users from various countries using different devices and operating systems. Depending on offer restrictions, you might need to create a massive rotation to make sure every click gets redirected to where it can get monetized or write off a certain part of your traffic as a loss. Obviously, neither option is preferable.

This is where smartlinks come in handy.

Today we want to focus on smartlinks, their advantages, and how to use them. So whether you're just starting out or have been in the field for a while, smartlinks are worth exploring.

When do you need a smartlink?
  • if you don't know which offer is best suited for your particular type of traffic
  • if you're having trouble setting up precise targeting in traffic sources, for example, when you're getting traffic from public social networks or doorways
  • if you have huge volumes of heterogeneous traffic
  • if you don't want to waste time and money on tests in search of the best product

Benefits of Using Smartlinks
  • help to increase conversion rates by directing users to the most relevant offers;
  • streamline marketing efforts by promoting multiple offers with a single URL;
  • save time on testing and setup;
  • allow affiliates to target broadly across traffic sources.
Smartlinks and ROI
Smartlinks can significantly increase ROI. They allow affiliates to monetize every segment of traffic, ensuring maximum profit. It’s particularly beneficial for new affiliates, allowing them to focus on traffic acquisition.

The best verticals
  • dating
  • sweepstakes
  • iGaming
Get Started with Smartlinks Today
Start using our smartlink today and see the difference it can make in your campaigns. In our turn, we can help you with setup and maybe even show a couple of new groundbreaking funnels!

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