Cómo obtener productos de Clickbank gratis en Google

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Verificación en dos pasos desactivada
¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
13 Nov 2011
¿Quieres conseguir toneladas de productos de Clickbank de forma gratuita? . . .

A continuación, intenta este truco:

1) Haga clic en el enlace de abajo:

Haga clic aquí GRATIS los productos de ClickBank

He aquí el texto del enlace:
Enlace eliminado


2) O simplemente pegar el texto en la caja de direcciones de su navegador web

3) Pulse Intro en el teclado.

Ahora, usted puede conseguir productos libres de Clickbank


Verificación en dos pasos desactivada
¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
11 Nov 2011
Más actual y mejores resultados buscando "thank you for your order download"

De todas formas no son cosas demasiado útiles las que suelen aparecer...


site:*.com intitle:”Thank You For Your Order” intext:Click Here to Download
site:*.com intitle:”Thank You For Your Purchase” intext:Click Here to Download
intitle:Thank you for your Purchase! intext:pLR OR MRR OR Package OR Bonus
intitle:Thank you for your order! intext:pLR OR MRR
intitle:Thank you for your Purchase! intext:pLR OR MRR
intitle:Thank you for your order!
Última edición:

Franyer Rivas

Verificación en dos pasos activada
Verificado por Whatsapp
¡Ha verificado su Paypal!
Verificado por Binance
Suscripción a IA
11 Ago 2010
pues no se que tan legal sea xD pero tambien se puede hacer mediante
las siguientes busquedas
site:*.com[/code][/code] intitle:"Thank You For Your Order" intext:Click Here to Download
site:*.com[/code][/code] intitle:"Thank You For Your Purchase" intext:Click Here to Download
intitle:Thank you for your Purchase! intext:pLR OR MRR OR Package OR Bonus
intitle:Thank you for your order! intext:pLR OR MRR
intitle:Thank you for your Purchase! intext:pLR OR MRR
inurl:/thankyou*.html intitle:Thank you for your order! intext:Click Here to Download
inurl:thanks intext:"Thank You For Your Order!" "Click Here" filetype:html
intitle:Thank You For Your Order! intext:private Label
intitle:Thank You For Your Purchased! intext:private Label
intext:"Thank You For Your Order" intext:pLR
"Thank You For Your Order!" intext:Master Resell filetype:html
"Thank You For Your Order! Your Credit Card Will Show A Charge From"
intitle:"Thank You For Your Order!" intext:download
intitle:"Thank You For Your Order" intext:Click Here To Download Now
intitle:Thank you for your purchase! intext:Click Here to Download
* Order Confirmation
* Order Confirmed
* wso………. short for “Warrior Special Offer”
* wso plr
* wso thanks
* wso thank you
* wso ty
* wso download
* “a charge from clickbank”
* inurl:cbreceipt
* inurl:cbreceipt=
* cbreceipt=
* cbreceipt
* cbreceipt click
* Thank you for your order
* Thank you for your purchase
* Thanks for your order
* Thanks for your purchase
* Thanks for purchasing… [name of the ebook]
* plr thank ty
* A charge from CLKBANK
* A Charge from paypai
* paypai payment or paypai payment confirmed
* paypai Statement
* CLKBANK “save as”
* CLKBANK Download instructions
* CLKBANK “right click”
* CLKBANK click
* Download the latest version of adobe acrobat reader
* “right click” “save target as”
* “right click” save
* “right click” “save file as”
* Click here to download
* “Save target as”
* “Save file as”
* receive future updates
* username is password is
* username: password:
* Members
* Members area
* thank you for your order +download
* Congratulations on your investment.
* Your credit card statement will show a charge
* priv.htm
* priv (no .htm, this will display any files under the folder named priv)
* members
* Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge from CLKBANK.com
* A charge from CLKBANK
* A Charge from paypai
* paypai payment or paypai payment confirmed
* paypai Statement
* CLKBANK save as
* CLKBANK Download instructions
* cbreceipt or cbreceipt click
* CLKBANK right click or CLKBANK click
* Download the latest version of adobe acrobat reader
* right click save target as
* right click save
* right click save file as
* Click here to download
* Save target as
* Save file as
* recieve future updates
* username is password is
* username: password:
* Members or Members area
* Thank you for your order
* Thank you for your purchase
* Thanks for your order
* Thanks for your purchase
* Thanks for purchasing……
* Order Confirmation
* Order Confirmed
* wso…………….short for “Warrior Special Offer”
* wso plr
* wso thanks
* wso thank you
* wso ty
* wso download
* plr thank
* …and then add the product name on the end of it.
* private
* ebook.htm
* yourebook.htm
* myebook.htm
* ebook.pdf
* yourebook.pdf
* myebook.pdf
* nameofebook.pdf (replace nameofebook.pdf with actual name)
* index.of title_of_ebook.pdf
* shortversionofebook.pdf (if there’s an acronym for the ebook)
* promember.htm
* thankyou1.htm
* secrets.htm
* thankyou.htm
* thank-you.htm
* thank_you.htm
* download.htm
* downloadlink.htm
* downloadpage.htm
* members.htm
* private.htm
* hidden.htm
* downlink.htm
* down-link.htm
* down_link.htm
* download.htm
* downloadpage.htm
* download-page.htm
* download_page.htm
* verified.htm
* paidmember.htm
* paid-member.htm
* paid_member.htm
* verifiedmember.htm
* verified-member.htm
* verified_member.htm
* alert.htm
* alert
* resources
* resources.htm


Verificación en dos pasos desactivada
¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
11 Nov 2011
Es tan legal como Megaupload. Google sólo enlaza y recopila, otra cosa sería revenderlos o distribuirlos, eso sí.

¡Regístrate y comienza a ganar!


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