¿cómo puedo llevar este programa a excel?

ramonjosegn Seguir

Verificación en dos pasos activada
Verificado por Whatsapp
14 Feb 2010
Bueno por ahí me encontré este código, que no sé ni en qué está escrito pero me gustaría saber si es posible pasarlo a excel de alguna manera

MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cRouteModel"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"

' ----------------------------------------------------------
' file: cRouteModel.cls
' author: Brendan Kidwell / GeoGraphics Lab
' date: 10 August 2001
' Contains the cRouteModel class which is the heart of the
' Bus ETA algorithm
' ----------------------------------------------------------

' Usage Example:
' Dim RouteModelObject As New cRouteModel
' RouteModelObject.Zones = 7
' RouteModelObject.RouteName = "test"
' [Insert code to aquire data]
' RouteModelObject.NewData BusNum, ObservationTime, Zone
' ...
' [When the program wants a prediction:]
' Dim x as Date
' RouteModelObject.Predict 5, rm_INCREASING
' Do
' x = RouteModel.Prediction
' If x Then
' [present x as a prediction time]
' End If
' Loop While x

Option Explicit

' [private variables linked to properties of the object]

' how many Zones in this route
Private mZones As Integer

' the number of the route
Private mRouteName As String

' last output of Predict method
Private mPrediction As New Collection

' the current index in mPrediction
Private mPredictionEnum As Integer

' did the last NewData call move a bus to a new zone?
Private mIsNewZone As Boolean

' [other private variables]

' indicates that the model hasn't been initialized yet
Private ModelNotReady As Boolean

' the path to the data file for saving route data when the object is terminated
Private DataFile As String

' array of most recent times for passes through through each zone
Private ZoneTime() As Date

' collection of information on buses that are currently being tracked on this
' route
Private Buses As New Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' At startup, the model is not ready for input. Zones and RouteName
' properties must be set.

ModelNotReady = True

End Sub

' On termination, the model saves its data for zone times to a file. The file
' name is determined by the RouteName property.
Private Sub Class_Terminate()

Dim fnum As Integer, zone As Integer, Direction As Integer

If ModelNotReady Then Exit Sub

fnum = FreeFile
Open DataFile For Output As fnum
For zone = 1 To mZones
For Direction = 0 To 1
Print #fnum, Trim(zone) & "|" & Trim(Direction) & _
"|" & ZoneTime(zone, Direction)
Close fnum

End Sub

' This function is called after the Zones and RouteName properties have both
' been set. This function initializes the model with a saved data set if
' possible.
Public Sub Setup(Zones As Integer, Optional RouteName As String = "1")

Dim fnum As Integer, fdata As String, farray() As String

mZones = Zones
mRouteName = RouteName
DataFile = App.Path & "\route_" & mRouteName & ".dat"

ModelNotReady = False

' if the data file exists...
If Len(Dir(DataFile)) Then
fnum = FreeFile
Open DataFile For Input As fnum
Do Until EOF(fnum)
Line Input #fnum, fdata
farray() = Split(fdata, "|")
On Error Resume Next
ZoneTime(farray(0), farray(1)) = farray(2)
On Error GoTo 0
Close fnum
End If

End Sub

' This function is called by the NewData function when it needs to retrieve the
' appropriate member from the Buses collection. It returns either an existing
' member of the collection, or a newly created member.
Private Function GetBus(BusID As String) As cBus

Dim b As cBus

On Error GoTo GetBus_err
Set GetBus = Buses(BusID)
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function

Set b = New cBus
b.BusID = BusID
Buses.Add b, BusID
Set GetBus = b
Resume Next

End Function

' The RouteName property specifies a name for this instance of the class.
' RouteName is used to name the data file that is saved when the object
' terminates.
Public Property Let RouteName(ByVal i As String)
mRouteName = i
If mZones Then Setup Zones:=mZones, RouteName:=mRouteName
End Property
Public Property Get RouteName() As String
RouteName = mRouteName
End Property

' The Zones property informs the object of how many zones there are in this
' route. Zones are numbered starting at 1.
Public Property Let Zones(ByVal i As Integer)
mZones = i
If Len(mRouteName) Then Setup Zones:=mZones, RouteName:=mRouteName
End Property
Public Property Get Zones() As Integer
Zones = mZones
End Property

' The prediction property returns a predictions determined by the last call to
' the Predict method.
' Usage: x = RouteModelObject.Prediction
' repeated calls return all the predictions in sequence, and a 0
' value at the end
' x = RouteModelObject.Prediction(y)
' returns prediction number y out of the collection of predictions
' Predictions are returned as a time interval: How long will it be before
' the bus gets here?
Property Get Prediction(Optional ByVal i As Integer = 0) As Date
Prediction = 0
If mPrediction.Count > 0 Then
If i = 0 Then
If mPredictionEnum = 0 Then mPredictionEnum = 1
ElseIf (i > 0) And (i <= mPrediction.Count) Then
mPredictionEnum = i
End If
If mPredictionEnum <= mPrediction.Count Then
Prediction = mPrediction(mPredictionEnum)
End If
End If
mPredictionEnum = mPredictionEnum + 1
If mPredictionEnum > mPrediction.Count + 1 Then mPredictionEnum = 0
End Property

' The PredictionCount property returns the number of predictions that were
' determined by the last call to the Predict method.
Property Get PredictionCount()
PredictionCount = mPrediction.Count
End Property

' The IsNewZone property returns True if a recent call to the NewData method
' resulted in a bus moving from one zone to the next. The parent program must
' explicitly reset IsNewZone to False before it calls NewData and checks
' IsNewZone to see if a zone border was passed. This way, a batch of data can
' be fed into NewData and then the flag can be tested.
Property Let IsNewZone(i As Boolean)
mIsNewZone = i
End Property
Property Get IsNewZone() As Boolean
IsNewZone = mIsNewZone
End Property

' The ResetModel method clears known zone transit times.
Public Sub ResetModel()
If ModelNotReady Then Exit Sub

ReDim ZoneTime(1 To mZones, 0 To 1)
End Sub

' The NewData method is used to feed data into the model.
' Usage: RouteModelObject.NewData BusID, dtm, zone
' BusID - The unique ID of this vehicle
' dtm - The time of this observation
' zone - The zone number associated with this position
' Zone must be computed by the parent program. A call to GIS software, such as
' Maptitude, with a geographic layer of all the zones loaded could find in
' which zone a particular latitude-longitude ordered pair belongs.
Public Sub NewData(BusID As String, dtm As Date, zone As Integer)
Dim Duration As Date, b As cBus

Debug.Print "NewData", BusID, dtm, zone

' ModelNotReady is True until Setup is called
If ModelNotReady Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1002, "prjPredict.cRouteModel", _
"call to NewData and object not initialized."

' raise error if Zone parameter is out of bounds
If (zone < 1) Or (zone > mZones) Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1001, "prjPredict.cRouteModel", _
"zone parameter of NewData out of bounds."
End If

' Find an existing or new member of the Buses collection
Set b = GetBus(BusID)

' take note of current zone for this bus and time of last known position
b.CurrZone = zone
b.LastPosTime = dtm

' initialize PrevZone if this is the first event for this bus
If b.PrevZone = 0 Then
b.PrevZone = b.CurrZone
' if the zone has changed since last event for this bus, do some work:
ElseIf b.PrevZone <> b.CurrZone Then
mIsNewZone = True
' if StartTime hasn't yet been set skip this bit. StartTime will be empty
' the first time a bus moves into a new zone.
If b.StartTime Then
b.EndTime = dtm
Duration = b.EndTime - b.StartTime
If (b.CurrZone - b.PrevZone) <= -1 Then
b.CurrDirection = rm_DECREASING ' zone decreasing
ElseIf (b.CurrZone - b.PrevZone) >= 1 Then
b.CurrDirection = rm_INCREASING ' zone increasing
End If
If b.PrevZone = mZones Then
b.CurrDirection = 1 ' turn around at far end of run
End If
If b.PrevZone = 1 Then
b.CurrDirection = 0 ' turn around at near end of run
End If

' Only record this zone time if it was less than 45 minutes
If (Duration < #12:45:00 AM#) And (Duration > 0) Then
ZoneTime(b.PrevZone, b.CurrDirection) = Duration
End If

End If
b.PrevZone = b.CurrZone
b.StartTime = dtm
End If

' If no new data comes in for this bus in 45 minutes, it will be dropped
' from memory.
b.Expires = Now + #12:45:00 AM#

' collect trash

End Sub

' The Predict method takes an imaginary walk from a target zone, back along the
' path of the route, to all the buses that are running. Each time it passes
' a bus, it makes a note of how far away in time the bus is.
' Usage: RouteModelObject.Predict TargetZone, TargetDirection
' TargetZone - the zone where the user might be waiting
' TargetDirection - the direction the user wants to travel
' The method returns the number of predictions it found. See the Prediction
' property for a way to retrieve these predictions.
Public Function Predict(tZone As Integer, ByVal tDirection As rm_DIRECTION, _
Optional PredictFor As Date = 0) As Integer

Dim Direction As rm_DIRECTION, zone As Integer
Dim b As cBus, bTime As Date, bPredict As Boolean, bI As Integer

' Clear mPrediction collection
Do Until mPrediction.Count = 0
mPrediction.Remove 1

' ModelNotReady is True until Setup is called
If ModelNotReady Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1002, _
"prjPredict.cRouteModel", "call to Predict and object not initialized."

' assume prediction is false until we find otherwise
Predict = 0

' ensure we have valid (Zone, Direction) pair
If (tZone = mZones) And (tDirection = rm_DECREASING) Then
tDirection = rm_INCREASING
ElseIf (tZone = 1) And (tDirection = rm_INCREASING) Then
tDirection = rm_DECREASING
End If

' Default time to predict for Now.
' Normally, you only specify PredictFor if you're running the model on
' historical data.
If PredictFor = 0 Then PredictFor = Now

' make a prediction for each bus in the Buses collection
For Each b In Buses

' assume the prediction for this bus is good
bPredict = True

' if it's been too long, prediction is flagged as bad
If PredictFor - b.LastPosTime > #12:45:00 AM# Then bPredict = False

' start counting at the zone the bus is in now
Direction = b.CurrDirection: zone = b.CurrZone

' add on half of the time for the first zone (the one the bus is in)
If Not ((tZone = b.CurrZone) And (tDirection = b.CurrDirection)) Then
If ZoneTime(zone, Direction) = 0 Then bPredict = False
bTime = ZoneTime(zone, Direction) / 2
Select Case Direction
zone = zone - 1
If zone < 1 Then
zone = 2: Direction = rm_INCREASING
End If
zone = zone + 1
If zone > mZones Then
zone = mZones - 1: Direction = rm_DECREASING
End If
End Select
End If
' add on the time of each intervening zone
Do Until (tZone = zone) And (tDirection = Direction)
If ZoneTime(zone, Direction) = 0 Then bPredict = False
bTime = bTime + ZoneTime(zone, Direction)
Select Case Direction
zone = zone - 1
If zone < 1 Then
zone = 2: Direction = rm_INCREASING
End If
zone = zone + 1
If zone > mZones Then
zone = mZones - 1: Direction = rm_DECREASING
End If
End Select
' add on half of the time of the last zone (target zone)
If ZoneTime(zone, Direction) = 0 Then bPredict = False
bTime = bTime + ZoneTime(zone, Direction) / 2
' if we have a prediction for this bus, add to collection
If bPredict Then
If mPrediction.Count = 0 Then
mPrediction.Add bTime
For bI = 1 To mPrediction.Count
' add predictions in ascending order
If bTime < mPrediction(bI) Then
mPrediction.Add bTime, , bI
bPredict = False ' remember that the prediction was
' added
Exit For
End If
' if the prediction hasn't been inserted somewhere, stick it
' on the end.
If bPredict Then mPrediction.Add bTime, , , mPrediction.Count
End If
End If


' Initialize enumerator of the mPrediction collection, so a call to the
' Prediction property will start at the first prediction.
mPredictionEnum = 0
' Return the number of predictions found.
Predict = mPrediction.Count

End Function

' The TrashCollect method is called automatically at the end of a call to the
' NewData method. It looks through the Buses collection for members that
' haven't seen any new data for a long time, and discards them. This is to
' facilitate new buses joining a route and old buses leaving a route through
' the course of the day.
Public Sub TrashCollect()

Dim b As cBus

For Each b In Buses
If Now > b.Expires Then
Buses.Remove b.BusID
End If

End Sub


Verificación en dos pasos activada
Verificado por Whatsapp
30 Jun 2014
Bueno a grandes rasgos, deve de ser para llevar el control de rutas de autobuses, menciona longitud y altitud asi como horas de entrada y salida

- - - Actualizado - - -

veo que también habla de predicciones de transito, entonces, quizás este programa trabajaba con algún tipo de antena para transmitir.


Verificación en dos pasos activada
Verificado por Whatsapp
14 Feb 2010
Bueno a grandes rasgos, deve de ser para llevar el control de rutas de autobuses, menciona longitud y altitud asi como horas de entrada y salida

- - - Actualizado - - -

veo que también habla de predicciones de transito, entonces, quizás este programa trabajaba con algún tipo de antena para transmitir.

Sí, es que estoy armando una web sobre buses y tengo muchos documentos sobre predecir la llegada de los buses, este me pareció interesante... pero no entiendo nada, y otros usan fórmulas muy complejas, en su día solicité a ver si alguien me ayudaba en forobeta, pero parece que por acá no hay expertos en mates...