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Buenas amigos,
Os dejo copia de lo que me ha pasado hoy.... primero me llegó un mail indicándome que un millonario de dubait estaba interesado en comprar un dominio que tengo a la venta, me escribe su representante pidiéndome precio. Le paso los precios (razonables) y me dice que no, que debo pedir unos 20.000 USD que es lo que su cliente me va a pagar, es rico y le sobra la pasta, ademas el trabaja a comisión. Le digo que como quiera.... me manda otro mail, con la trampa, me exige una tasación para evitar problemas de marcas comerciales, me pasa un link de un foro donde el pide esa info.... me parto de risa.
El tema es que quiere que me gaste de 35 a 95 € por tasación por dominio (le oferte 4 al final) y es un chollo porque lo normal es 200 - 300€.......
CUIDADO con este tipo de gentuza.... solo quiere sacarnos el dinero. Su mail e ip están ya denunciados ante el departamento anti-fraude de Internet.
Os dejo copia de lo que me ha pasado hoy.... primero me llegó un mail indicándome que un millonario de dubait estaba interesado en comprar un dominio que tengo a la venta, me escribe su representante pidiéndome precio. Le paso los precios (razonables) y me dice que no, que debo pedir unos 20.000 USD que es lo que su cliente me va a pagar, es rico y le sobra la pasta, ademas el trabaja a comisión. Le digo que como quiera.... me manda otro mail, con la trampa, me exige una tasación para evitar problemas de marcas comerciales, me pasa un link de un foro donde el pide esa info.... me parto de risa.
El tema es que quiere que me gaste de 35 a 95 € por tasación por dominio (le oferte 4 al final) y es un chollo porque lo normal es 200 - 300€.......
CUIDADO con este tipo de gentuza.... solo quiere sacarnos el dinero. Su mail e ip están ya denunciados ante el departamento anti-fraude de Internet.
I represent a rich investor from Dubai. He is interested in buying top10noticias.com.
Please respond with how much you are looking for it. Just specify this price in the subject line.
If you have other names for sale please email me your list with prices.
Jacob Dorman
Domain Name Realtor
ASP Hosting Net Services
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suggest to change your price to 20,000 usd for all your domains. My client is a rich person and I work on a commission basis. So I'm not interested in low ball offers. So I tell him the price will be 20,000 usd. Ok? It will be our little secret
Do you sell a domain (not a web site)?
He has 150,000 usd budget for several domain names.
How can we pay you (PayPal, Western Union, escrow.com etc.)? If this is your first time domain sale I may help you with the sale/transfer process.
Are you a member of domain seller communities/forums? Probably, we know each other under some nicknames?
He is going to invest in hosting, adult and online shopping related names.
Ok. I can help you with the transfer process if you need it. Before we go further my client needs only one thing:
Please send us an official certificate of market price (appraisal). He needs an appraisal service that also verifies possible trademark infringements. It's important for us to know that your domain has no problems with trademarks. It won't be a problem for you since some official appraisers offer this option (trademark infringement verification) as a bonus to the appraisal service. It will take only 2 minutes to order it.
Please don't worry - the appraisal value will be very good. You won't get a low figure. I work with an official appraisal company. I send them clients and they appraise names at the values I need. My client is a rich person and I work on a commission basis. So I'm not interested in low figure appraisals too.
Just order the service and email them your domains with the comment that you have a buyer with $X,XXX offer and you need the appraisal near this value.
To avoid mistakes and wasting money on useless automated services I asked in the forum about reliable manual valuation/TM verification services. Please read this:
Investing in domains
The process is very easy:
1. Go to the appraisal site and order the valuation with the TM verification. After several hours you will get the results.
2. Send these results via email and we'll proceed with the deal.
If you are new to the appraisal process I can help you with a step by step instruction.