Buenas, me descargue el Script del clon de CodeCanyon (ZipMarket), he instalado todo sin problemas, en el instalador, la db, el user, etc. Se ha instalado todo perfectamente pero al ir al inicio de la página me pone el siguiente error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE in /home/u426615941/public_html/zipmarket/config/lang.php on line 419
Este es el código del archivo lang.php:
No tengo idea de lo que es, si alguien puede ayudarme, gracias.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE in /home/u426615941/public_html/zipmarket/config/lang.php on line 419
Este es el código del archivo lang.php:
$langArray = array(
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Password',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
'login' => 'Login',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
'edit_my_profile' => 'Edit my profile',
'back' => 'Back',
'back_to_site' => 'Back to site',
'add' => 'Add',
'add_new' => 'Add new',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'list' => 'Preview',
'send' => 'Send',
'save' => 'Save',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'NO',
'up' => 'Up',
'down' => 'Down',
'menu' => 'Menu',
'home' => 'Home',
'users' => 'Users',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'systems' => 'System settings',
'system' => 'Settings',
'support' => 'Support',
'add_complete' => 'The information has been added successfully.',
'edit_complete' => 'The information has been changed successfully.',
'delete_complete' => 'The information has been deleted successfully.',
'send_complete' => 'Sending completed.',
'error_fill_this_field' => 'This field is obligatory.',
'error_fill_this_field_all_langs' => 'This field is obligatory for all languages.',
'error_fill_this_field_on' => 'This field is obligatory for ',
'error_invalid_username_or_password' => 'Invalid username or password or the account is not activated.',
'contact_with_us_info' => 'To contact us you can send us an email using the email contact form and we will answer you as soon as possible.',
'request_sended' => 'Your request has been sent successfully. We will answer you as soon as possible at the phone number or the email you have indicated.',
'contact_sended' => 'Your email has been send successfully. We will answer you as soon as possible at the phone number or the email you have indicated..',
'system_information' => 'System information',
'system_information_text' => '',
'keyword' => 'Key word',
'value' => 'Value',
'subject' => 'Subject',
'text' => 'Text',
'meta_title' => 'Meta title',
'meta_keywords' => 'Meta keywords',
'meta_description' => 'Meta description',
'waiting' => 'Waiting activation',
'activate' => 'Activated',
'banned' => 'Forgotten (banned)',
'generate_rand_password' => 'Generate a random password',
'avatar' => 'Avatar',
'city' => 'City',
'address' => 'Address',
'postcode' => 'Post code',
'phone' => 'Telephone',
'names' => 'Names',
'status' => 'Status',
'name' => 'Name',
'modules' => 'Modules',
'sort' => 'Sort',
'addPhotos' => 'Add image',
'choose_photos' => 'Choose an image',
'via_url' => 'Add via URL (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png)',
'title' => 'Title',
'error_exist_username' => 'The username is not available.',
'error_not_valid_email' => 'The e-mail you have entered is not valid.',
'error_exist_email' => 'The e-mail you have entered is already taken.',
'access_error' => 'You do not have rights to accesss this module.',
'error_no_file_upload' => 'No file is attacted.',
'error_invalid_file_ext' => 'The file is not allowed.',
'error_file_too_big' => 'The file is too big',
'error_file_not_set' => 'You have not chosen a file',
'bg' => 'Bulgarian',
'en' => 'English',
'copy_value' => 'Copy the value of the field for all languages.',
'are_you_sure_to_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete',
'no_records' => 'No records found.',
'pages' => 'Pages',
'visible' => 'Visible',
'in_menu' => 'Show in the main menu',
'subpages' => 'Subpages',
'subpage_of' => 'Subpage of',
'none' => 'None',
'key' => 'Key',
'error_key_exist' => 'A page with this key already exists.',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'subcategories' => 'Subcategories',
'subcategory_of' => 'Subcategory of',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'attributes' => 'Attributes',
'attribute' => 'Attribute',
'type' => 'Type',
'photo' => 'Photo',
'quiz' => 'Quiz',
'answers' => 'Answers',
'answer' => 'Answer',
'right' => 'Right',
'bulletin' => 'Bulletin',
'emails' => 'E-mails',
'send_bulletin' => 'Create a new bulletin',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribed',
'subscribe' => 'Subscribe',
'unsubscribe2' => 'Unsubscribe',
'readed' => 'Read',
'view' => 'View',
'sended_at' => 'Send to',
'countries' => 'Countries',
'items' => 'Items',
'queue' => 'Queue',
'date' => 'Date',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'user' => 'User',
'none1' => 'None',
'action' => 'Action',
'approve' => 'Approval',
'back_with_comment' => 'Return the item with a comment',
'remove_item' => 'Remove the item',
'price' => 'Price',
'free_file' => 'Free file',
'are_you_sure_submit' => 'Are you sure you want to submit this action?',
'queue_update' => 'Queue updated',
'remove_item_update' => 'Remove item update',
'new_price' => 'New price',
'weekly_features_to' => 'Weekly features to',
'reported' => 'Reported',
'previewed' => 'Previewed',
'percents' => 'Percentages',
'percent' => 'Percentage',
'from_sum' => 'From sum',
'to_sum' => 'To sum',
'error_from_over_to' => 'The final sum must be higher that the initial one',
'contacts' => 'Contacts',
'withdraws' => 'Gain paying up',
'australian_res' => 'Australian resident',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'payout' => 'Pay out',
'complete_withdraw' => 'The is notified as paid out and is deducted for the user',
'error_set_valid_sum' => 'You have to enter a valid sum',
'error_not_enought_money_earning' => 'The user has not gained the money which is indicated',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'report_comments' => 'Reported comments',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'reported_by' => 'Reported by',
'report_check' => 'Report previewed',
'sales_this_month' => 'Monthly sales',
'users_this_month' => 'This months\'s users',
'sales_total' => 'Total sales',
'users_total' => 'Total members',
'win_this_month' => 'Monthly website profit',
'clear_win_this_month' => 'Monthly revenue from commission',
'referal_money_this_month' => 'Monthly referrals earnings',
'users_earnings' => 'Monthly users earnings',
'user_win_this_month' => 'Users earnings',
'withdraw_this_month' => 'Sums for paying out this month',
'withdraw_true_this_month' => 'Paid out sums this month',
'finance' => 'Finance',
'items_for_approve' => 'Items for approval',
'no_items_for_approve' => 'No items for approval',
'quick_links' => 'Quick links',
'win' => 'Website profit',
'request_date' => 'Request date',
'commission' => 'Commission',
'sales_earnings' => 'Sales earnings',
'referal_earnings' => 'Referral earnings',
'issue_categories' => 'Issue categories',
'complete_answer_issue' => 'Your reply has been sent successfully to the user.',
'error_answer_issue' => 'Sending reply error occurred',
'wrote' => 'Wrote',
'last_contact' => 'Last contact',
'read_more' => 'Read more',
'language' => 'Language',
'complete_change_language' => 'You have successfully changed the system language',
'from_date' => 'From date',
'to_date' => 'To dat',
'report_type' => 'Report type',
'generate_report' => 'Generate report',
'results' => 'Results',
'report_1' => 'Global',
'report_2' => 'Earnings',
'report_3' => 'Deposit',
'report_4' => 'Paid out sums',
'report_5' => 'At users ',
'complete_unsubscribe' => 'You have successfully unsubscribed form our bulletin',
'sign_up' => 'Registration',
'verify_email' => 'Registration confirmed',
'complete' => 'complete',
'all_fields_required' => 'All fiels are obligatory',
'step' => 'Step',
'view_all' => 'View all',
'your_details' => 'Profile details',
'account_information' => 'Account information',
'first_name' => 'Name',
'last_name' => 'Last name',
're_type' => 'Retype',
'check_availability' => 'Check whether it is aveilable',
'agree_with_terms' => 'I declare that I agree with the webiste terms of use',
'sign_me_to_newsletter' => 'Add my email in the bulletins',
'create_account' => 'Create my account',
'why_sign_up' => 'Why should I sign up?',
'why_sign_up_info' => '<p>It only takes a couple of minutes and your account will let you:</p>
<ul class="fancy-list">
<li>Deposit Cash & Download Files</li>
<li>Have Your Own Profile Page</li>
<li>Chat on the Forums</li>
<li>Sell Your Own Work</li>
<li>Refer Members to Make Money</li>
'error_short_pass' => 'The password is too short',
'error_bad_pass' => 'The password is not strong enough. Please type a more complicated password',
'error_good_pass' => 'The password is good',
'error_strong_pass' => 'The password is complicated. Well done!',
'error_same_password' => 'The password and the username are the same.',
'error_sensetive_pass' => 'Choose a secured password for your account. Passwords such as \'123456\', \'password\' and \'xxxxxx\' are not recommended!',
'error_not_set_username' => 'You have to input a username',
'error_exist_username' => 'The username already exists. Please input another.',
'error_free_username' => 'The username is free',
'error_not_valid_username' => 'The usermane have to consists only of letters, numbers and low dash',
'error_password_not_match' => 'The two passwords do not match',
'error_emails_not_match' => 'The e-mails do not match',
'error_not_agree_with_terms' => 'You must agree the website terms of use',
'error_wrong_captcha' => 'You have to input the code from the picture',
'error_fill_firstname' => 'You have to input your name',
'error_fill_lastname' => 'You have to input your last name',
'error_fill_email' => 'You have to input your email',
'error_fill_email_confirm' => 'You have to confirm your email',
'error_fill_password' => 'You have to input your password',
'error_fill_password_confirm' => 'You have to confirm your password',
'error_not_valid_activate_key' => 'Profile activation key is not valid.',
'error_invalid_username_email' => 'No match found between your username and the email you have input',
'error_invalid_user_email' => 'Invalid user email',
'error_wrong_old_password' => 'Your current password is not valid',
'error_choose_license' => 'You have to choose your license',
'error_wrong_category' => 'You have to chosen a non-existing category',
'error_not_set_name' => 'You have to input a name',
'error_not_set_description' => 'You have to input description',
'error_not_set_thumbnail' => 'You have to choose a thumbnail',
'error_thumbnail_jpg' => 'Thumbnail should be JPG or PNG file',
'error_not_set_theme_preview' => 'You have to choose a item preview',
'error_theme_preview_zip' => 'Item preview should be ZIP file',
'error_not_set_main_file' => 'You have to choose a file',
'error_main_file_zip' => 'Main file should be ZIP file',
'error_not_set_category' => 'You have to choose a category',
'error_not_set_tags' => 'You have to fill the three fields with tags',
'error_not_set_source_license' => 'You have to confirm that you have rights to use all the materials in your template',
'error_set_all_attributes' => 'You have to mark all the attributes',
'error_set_price' => 'You have to input price',
'error_set_comment_to_user' => 'You have to set comment to the user',
'error_quiz' => 'You have to answer all questions correctly. You have {$RIGHT} right answers from {$TOTAL} questions',
'error_not_set_price' => 'You have to input price',
'error_deposit' => 'An errror occurred whlie recieving deposit',
'error_not_set_question' => 'You have not asked a question',
'error_not_set_answer' => 'You have not set an answer',
'error_login_to_buy' => 'You have to login to shop',
'error_paing' => 'Payment error',
'error_not_enought_money' => 'You don\'t have enough money in your account',
'error_item_comment' => 'An error occurred when leaving a comment',
'error_not_set_message' => 'You have to write a message',
'error_all_fields_required' => 'You have to fulfil all the fields',
'error_invalid_email' => 'The email you have input is not valid',
'wrong_amount' => 'You have not input a sum',
'wrong_amount2' => 'You have input an invalid sum',
'error_service' => 'You have not choosen a way of payment',
'error_payment_email_address' => 'You have to input and confirm you email',
'error_australian_resident' => 'you have to input ABN and ACN',
'error_certificate' => 'You have to buy a item to get a certificate',
'complete_create_account' => 'Your profile was created successfully. An account activation has been sent to the indicated email.',
'complete_activate_account' => 'You account has been activated successfully. You can login with your username and password.',
'complete_reset_password' => 'You new password is sent to your email',
'complete_send_username' => 'Your username is sent to your email',
'complete_change_password' => 'Your password is successfully changed',
'complete_exclusive_author_off' => 'You are unsubscribe as exclusive author',
'complete_exclusive_author_on' => 'You have been marked as exclusive author',
'complete_save_license' => 'You selling licenses are successfully saved',
'complete_change_avatar_image' => 'You have successfully changed your avatar and profile photo',
'complete_update_personal_info' => 'Your personal data has been successfully saved',
'complete_update_social_networks' => 'You have successfully changed your social networks',
'complete_upload_item' => 'Your item has been added to the approval queue',
'complete_approve_item' => 'The item is approved successfully',
'complete_unapprove_item' => 'The item is returned to user for revision',
'complete_delete_item' => 'The item is successfully deleted',
'complete_update_item' => 'You changed your item successfully',
'complete_update_upload_item' => 'The changes are accepted. After our administrators review it, they will be visible in the site',
'complete_delete_item' => 'The item has been removed from the data base',
'complete_approve_item_update' => 'The item\'s updates are approved',
'complete_delete_item_update' => 'the item\'s updates are rejected',
'complete_score_quiz' => 'The quiz is successfully passed. You can start selling your works.',
'complete_deposit' => 'Your deposit has been marked successfully. You can now shop from our website',
'complete_add_faq' => 'The question and the answer have been added successfully',
'complete_delete_faq' => 'The question and the answer have been deleted successfully',
'complete_buy_theme' => 'Item has been successfully purchased',
'complete_add_comment' => 'The comment has been added successfully',
'complete_report_comment' => 'Thank you for reporting the comment',
'complete_add_reply' => 'Your reply has been added successfully',
'complete_bookmark_item' => 'Bookmark saved to collection.',
'complete_add_collection' => 'The collection has been added successfully',
'complete_edit_collection' => 'The collection has been changes successfully',
'complete_delete_collection' => 'The collection has been deleted',
'complete_delete_bookmark' => 'Bookmark deleted',
'complete_save_feature' => 'The updates are saved',
'complete_send_email' => 'The mail is sent successfully',
'complete_add_to_newsletter' => 'Your email is added to your newsletter',
'complete_add_withdrawal' => 'Your request for recieving the earned money is accepted',
'already_in_newsletter' => 'Your email is already added tou our newsletter',
'error_newsletter' => 'An error occurred while adding the data. Please check and try again',
'forgot_password' => 'Forgotten password',
'forgot_username' => 'Forgotten username',
'its_free' => 'It is free',
'register_now' => 'Register now',
'reset_password_info' => 'Fill your username and email and we will send you the new password there',
'reset_password' => 'New password',
'lost_username_info' => 'Fill the email you have signed up and we will send you our usename',
'my_account' => 'My account',
'change_your_password' => 'Change your password',
'current_password' => 'Current password',
'new_password' => 'New password',
'exclusive_author' => 'Exclisive Author',
'exclusive_author_info' => '<p>Agreeing to keep your portfolio of items for sale exclusive to the Marketplaces entitles you to a higher percentage of each sale - from 40% to 70%. You can still sell <strong>other</strong> items elsewhere (on other marketplaces, your own site) however any items you place on an Marketplace must be exclusively sold there.</p><p>Your account is set up as:</p>',
'exclusive_author_true' => '<h3 class="underlined">Exclusive Author</h3><p>You can opt-out of the exclusivity program by clicking the button below. You will be given a 30 day grace period wherein the agreement is still observed after which your payments will return to normal and you may commence selling your items elsewhere.</p>',
'exclusive_author_false' => '<h3 class="underlined">Non-Exclusive Author</h3><p>You can opt-out of the exclusivity program by clicking the button below. You will be given a 30 day grace period wherein the agreement is still observed after which your payments will return to normal and you may commence selling your items elsewhere.</p>',
'exclusive_off' => 'Unsubscribe me as exclusive author',
'exclusive_on' => 'Subscribe me as exclusive author',
'sale_license' => 'Sale license',
'sale_license_info' => '<p>Choose the licences that your items are sold under. Note that not all licences will be used for all types of items. The Standard Single-Use Licence is mandatory.</p>',
'extended_license' => 'Full license',
'personal_license' => 'Personal use license',
'avatar_homepage_image' => 'Avatar and image page',
'homepage_image' => 'Profile photo',
'replace' => 'Replace',
'personal_information' => 'Perso
No tengo idea de lo que es, si alguien puede ayudarme, gracias.