Melvin Garcia Seguir
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- 19 Ago 2008
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- 2.230
Bueno yo ando queriendo migrar un foro phpBB 3.0.9 hacía un vBulletin 4.1.5 pero me da este error
ImpEx Database error
mysql error: Link-ID == false, connect failed
mysql error:
Date: Saturday 03rd 2011f September 2011 11:45:26 AM
Database: databasename_v2
MySQL error:
Edito: el primer error ya esta solucionado, pero el Impex no me funciona osea me sale
[h=4]Altering tables[/h]ImpEx will now Alter the tables in the vB database to include import id numbers. This is needed during the import process for maintaining references between the tables during an import. If you have large tables (i.e. lots of posts) this can take some time. They will also be left after the import if you need to link back to the original vB userid.
moderator - importmoderatorid Completed
usergroup - importusergroupid Completed
ranks - importrankid Completed
poll - importpollid Completed
forum - importforumid Completed
forum - importcategoryid Completed
user - importuserid Completed
style - importstyleid Completed
thread - importthreadid Completed
post - importthreadid Completed
thread - importforumid Completed
smilie - importsmilieid Completed
pmtext - importpmid Completed
avatar - importavatarid Completed
customavatar - importcustomavatarid Completed
customprofilepic - importcustomprofilepicid Completed
post - importpostid Completed
attachment - importattachmentid Completed
pm - importpmid Completed
usernote - importusernoteid Completed
phrase - importphraseid Completed
subscription - importsubscriptionid Completed
subscriptionlog - importsubscriptionlogid Completed Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct
pero cuando quiero seleccionar otra de las opciones de importación es como que no funcionaran.
Alguién sabe porque del error?
ImpEx Database error
mysql error: Link-ID == false, connect failed
mysql error:
Date: Saturday 03rd 2011f September 2011 11:45:26 AM
Database: databasename_v2
MySQL error:
Edito: el primer error ya esta solucionado, pero el Impex no me funciona osea me sale
[h=4]Altering tables[/h]ImpEx will now Alter the tables in the vB database to include import id numbers. This is needed during the import process for maintaining references between the tables during an import. If you have large tables (i.e. lots of posts) this can take some time. They will also be left after the import if you need to link back to the original vB userid.
moderator - importmoderatorid Completed
usergroup - importusergroupid Completed
ranks - importrankid Completed
poll - importpollid Completed
forum - importforumid Completed
forum - importcategoryid Completed
user - importuserid Completed
style - importstyleid Completed
thread - importthreadid Completed
post - importthreadid Completed
thread - importforumid Completed
smilie - importsmilieid Completed
pmtext - importpmid Completed
avatar - importavatarid Completed
customavatar - importcustomavatarid Completed
customprofilepic - importcustomprofilepicid Completed
post - importpostid Completed
attachment - importattachmentid Completed
pm - importpmid Completed
usernote - importusernoteid Completed
phrase - importphraseid Completed
subscription - importsubscriptionid Completed
subscriptionlog - importsubscriptionlogid Completed Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct
pero cuando quiero seleccionar otra de las opciones de importación es como que no funcionaran.
Alguién sabe porque del error?