No se ve bien el theme

  • Autor Autor TheZeuS
  • Fecha de inicio Fecha de inicio
XD... es nulled? XD
q tema es? creo q subiste mal la carpeta imagenes generalmente viene una carpeta "upload"
q significa q subas el "contenido" de esa carpeta a la raiz del foro (no a imagenes, a menos q asi te indique las instrucciones)
cada tema viene con instrucciones!

PD: ahorita te llega mi denuncia de vbulletin! xD mentira.. jajaja
Jaja no tranquilo lo que pasa que soy menor y mi padre es el que tiene que ir comprando las cosas, y no compró el dominio aun.

Pues las instrucciones són en ingles pero dicen esto :

- XML files
- Custom Images
- stats-anywhere.xml
- Blank Header 


Step 1 - Install XML file
1. Log in to your Admin CP (ex.. )
2. Once logged in expand "Styles & Templates" then click "Download / Upload Styles"
3. Under "Import Style XML File" Browse to the location where you downloaded the "vbulletin-style.xml" file on your computer.
4. Give this theme a Title as it will appear for the skin.
5. If your vBulletin is version 3.6.x, click the "Ignore Style Version" button as the skin will work regardless. If your skin is older we urge you
to update your vBulletin board, if this is not applicable please post on the support board with the version of your site and we'll do our upmost to
give you a working skin for your version.
6. Then go to "vBulletin Options", "Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template" and click Yes.
7. Styles are the same whether they are they are fixed or fluid. To change the width of the skin go to Stylevars and enter the width 
(Note: If it's a pixel width, just enter the number not a px at the end)

Step 2 - Upload Images (via FTP)
1.Browse to your root vBulletin folder (the one with announcements.php, index.php etc...)
2.Upload the folder named images/.

Step 3 - Uploading the stats add-on
1. Log in to your Admin CP (ex.. )
2. Once logged in expand "Plugins & Products" then click "Download/Upload Plugins" 
3. Under "Import Plugin Definitions XML File" Browse to the location where you downloaded the stats-anywhere.xml on your computer.

Theme should now be installed and ready to use. You should also be able to view the skin in the Style Selector
normally placed at the bottom of the page.

Setting Theme as Default
1. Log in to your Admin CP
2. Once logged in click on "vBulletin Options"
3. Now locate the "Style & Language Settings" section and select it, then click Edit Settings
4. Under Default Style select your styles name, and click Save

Subí la carpeta images y tal, enteoria hice todo bien creo.

---------- Actualizado a las 02:35 ---------- Original a las 22:03 ----------

Bueno nose que paso, que re-subí las imágenes y ahora se ve de esta forma :