Problema de estetica cmps -

pokiz Seguir

¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
9 Ago 2010
Hola me quedan los cuadros de la derecha fuera del header, pueden ser las imagenes no? me pueden ayudar? las imagenes de los cuadros del medio gracias


¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
9 Feb 2010
podrias poner una captura de pantalla amigo??

igual... creo que si es por las imagenes, prueba con lo siguiente:

1.- Abrir el archivo "news" que sé encuentra dentro de "modules"

2.- Buscar:

// ##### <img>

3.-Abajo poner:
$news['message'] = str_replace("<img", "<img style='border: 0;padding:5px;float:left;' width=50% height=50% " ,  $news['message']);

Eso seria todo

Recordando que en el el siguiente apartado:
width=50% height=50%

con esto te tiene que quedar lo que es sobre las imágenes vale :D si es algo mas, porfavor deja una captura de pantalla vale :D

saludos :)


¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
9 Ago 2010
Sigue igual que antes

Aqui te dejo mi archivo news.php

// ++=========================================================================++
// || vBadvanced CMPS v4.0.1 (vB 4.0) - 94232
// || © 2003-2010 - All Rights Reserved
// || This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
// ||
// || Downloaded 11:07, Mon Aug 2nd 2010
// || 121094232_409169031403
// ++ ========================================================================++

$hasarchive = false;
if (!$newsprocessed[$mods['modid']])
    foreach ($modules AS $omodid)
        $omods =& $vbulletin->adv_modules[$omodid];
        // Archive comes first
        if (($mods['parent'] AND $mods['parent'] == $omods['identifier']) OR (!$mods['parent'] AND $mods['modid'] == $omods['modid']))
            $newsmod = $vbulletin->adv_modules[$omods['modid']];
        else if (($mods['parent'] AND $mods['modid'] == $omods['modid']) OR (!$mods['parent'] AND $omods['parent'] == $mods['identifier']))
            $hasarchive = true;
            $archivemod = $vbulletin->adv_modules[$omods['modid']];

$currentmodule = ($mods['modid'] == $newsmod['modid']) ? 'news' : 'archive';

if (!$newsprocessed[$newsmod['modid']] AND (!$newsprocessed[$archivemod['modid']] OR !$hasarchive))
    require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_forumdisplay.php');

    // Use the printable quote template if the avatar is enabled to avoid alignment problems
    if ($mod_options['portal_news_showavatar'] AND $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote_printable'])
        $default_quote_template = $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote'];
        $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote'] = $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote_printable'];

    $newsprocessed[$newsmod['modid']] = true;
    $newsprocessed[$archivemod['modid']] = true;

    if ($archivemod['modid'] AND $newsmod['modid'])
        $mod_options = array_merge($cmps_options['adv_portal_' . $archivemod['identifier']], $cmps_options['adv_portal_' . $newsmod['identifier']]);

    if ($mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] OR $mod_options['portal_news_enablearchive'])
        $newslimit = 'LIMIT ' . ($mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] + $mod_options['portal_news_enablearchive']);

        if ($mod_options['portal_news_enablearchive'])
            // Dynamic template
            $dyna_expand_width = 250;

            if ($mod_options['portal_archive_showicon'])
                $dyna_expand_width+= 30;

            if ($mod_options['portal_newsarchive_lastpost'])
                $dyna_expand_width+= 140;

            if ($mod_options['portal_newsarchive_showforum'])
                $dyna_expand_width += 80;

            $archive_tempname = ($mod_options['portal_archive_expanded'] == 1 OR ($mod_options['portal_archive_expanded'] == 2 AND $vba_colwidths[$vba_modcols[$archivemod['modcol']]] >= $dyna_expand_width)) ? 'exp' : 'lean';

            $archive_wrappername = ($archivemod['altshell']) ? $archivemod['altshell'] : 'adv_portal_module_wrapper';

        $news_wrappername = ($newsmod['altshell']) ? $newsmod['altshell'] : 'adv_portal_module_wrapper';

    // Rating query
    $ratingsql = '';
    if ($mod_options['portal_news_showrating'] OR $mod_options['portal_archive_showrating'] OR $mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] == 'voteavg')
        $ratingsql = 'IF(votenum >= ' . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ', votenum, 0) AS votenum, IF(votenum >= ' . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ' AND votenum != 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg, votetotal,';
    $oldforumratings = $foruminfo['allowratings'];
    $foruminfo['allowratings'] = ($mod_options['portal_news_showrating'] OR $mod_options['portal_archive_showrating']) ? true : false;

    $newspagevar = $newsmod['identifier'] . '_page';

    // Pagination limits
    if ($mod_options['portal_news_threadsperpage'])
        $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', $newspagevar, TYPE_INT);

        $vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar] = abs($vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar]);

        if ($vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar])
            if ($vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar] > $mod_options['portal_news_threadsperpage'])
                $vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar] = $mod_options['portal_news_threadsperpage'];


            $newslimit = 'LIMIT ' . (($vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar] - 1) * $mod_options['portal_news_maxposts']) . ', ' . ($mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] + $mod_options['portal_news_enablearchive']);

    $newstids = array();
    $newspids = array();

    // Specific threads selected
    if (!empty($mod_options['portal_threadids']) AND is_array($mod_options['portal_threadids']))
        $newstids = array_keys($mod_options['portal_threadids']);
        $newspids = array_values($mod_options['portal_threadids']);

    $limitapplied = false;
    $threadsqueried = false;

    // Forumids
    if (!empty($mod_options['portal_news_forumid']) AND is_array($mod_options['portal_news_forumid']))
        $limitapplied = true;
        $mods['inforums'] = $mod_options['portal_news_forumid'];

        if ($mod_options['portal_applypermissions'])
            $mods['inforums'] = array_diff($mods['inforums'], $adv_canviewforumscontent);

        if (!empty($mods['inforums']))
            $getnewsids = $db->query_read("
                SELECT $ratingsql threadid, firstpostid
                FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
                WHERE visible = 1
                    AND open != 10
                    AND (thread.forumid IN(" . implode(',', $mods['inforums']) . ")
                    " . iif(!empty($newstids), ' OR threadid IN(' . implode(',', $newstids) . ')') . "
                    " . iif($mod_options['portal_news_cutoffdate'], 'AND thread.dateline > ' . (TIMENOW - ($mod_options['portal_news_cutoffdate'] * 86400))) . "
                ORDER BY " . iif($mod_options['portal_news_sticky'], 'sticky DESC,') . iif($mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] == 'postdateline', 'dateline', $mod_options['portal_news_orderby']) . " $mod_options[portal_news_direction]
            // Reset the array here so the threads can be combined and to prevent pagination problems
            $newstids = array();
            $newspids = array();
            while ($ids = $db->fetch_array($getnewsids))
                $newstids[] = $ids['threadid'];
                $newspids[] = $ids['firstpostid'];

    if (!empty($newstids))
        // Get Attachments
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_showattachments'] OR $mod_options['portal_news_bbcode_attach'])
            $nattachcache = array();
            $getnattach = $db->query_read("
                SELECT a.attachmentid, a.contentid, a.filename, a.dateline, a.counter, a.state, fd.filesize, fd.thumbnail_filesize, IF(fd.thumbnail_filesize > 0, 1, 0) AS hasthumbnail
                FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment AS a
                LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "filedata AS fd ON (a.filedataid = fd.filedataid)
                WHERE contenttypeid = 1
                    AND contentid IN(" . implode(',', $newspids) . ")
                    AND state = 'visible'
                " . iif($mod_options['portal_news_showattachments'] == 1, 'GROUP BY a.contentid') . "
                ORDER BY attachmentid
            while ($nattach = $db->fetch_array($getnattach))
                $nattach['truedateline'] = $nattach['dateline'];

                // only way to add &cmps=1 to [attach] tags 
                $nattach['dateline'] = $nattach['dateline'] . '&amp;cmps=1';
                $nattachcache[$nattach['contentid']][$nattach['attachmentid']] = $nattach;

        $newscount = 0;

        $show['lastpost'] = $mod_options['portal_newsarchive_lastpost'];

        if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['showimages'])
            $mod_options['portal_news_enablevbimage'] = 0;

        if ($mod_options['portal_archive_multipage'])
                '"' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/$address"'

        $parsedposts = '';
        $vba_news_fields = '';
        $vba_news_join = '';

        // Smilies
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_enablesmilies'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', allowsmilie';

        // Post cache
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_postcache'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', pagetext_html, postparsed.hasimages';
            $vba_news_join .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'postparsed AS postparsed ON (postparsed.postid = post.postid AND postparsed.styleid = ' . intval(STYLEID) . ' AND postparsed.languageid = ' . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ')';

        // Signature
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_showsignature'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', showsignature, sigparsed.signatureparsed, sigparsed.hasimages AS sighasimages, sigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight, usertextfield.signature';
            $vba_news_join .= '
                LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'sigparsed AS sigparsed ON (sigparsed.userid = user.userid AND sigparsed.styleid = ' . intval(STYLEID) . ' AND sigparsed.languageid = ' . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ')
                LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'sigpic AS sigpic ON (sigpic.userid = post.userid)
                LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (user.userid = usertextfield.userid)';

            if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
                $vbulletin->options['sigpicurl'] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $vbulletin->options['sigpicurl'];

        // Icons
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_showicon'] OR $mod_options['portal_archive_showicon'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', thread.iconid AS threadiconid, iconpath AS threadiconpath';
            $vba_news_join .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'icon AS icon ON (icon.iconid = thread.iconid)';

        // Avatar
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_showavatar'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustom, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, avatarrevision';
            $vba_news_join .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'avatar as avatar ON (avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid)
                LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'customavatar as customavatar ON (customavatar.userid = user.userid)';

        // Subscribed icon
        if (($mod_options['portal_news_showsubscribed'] OR $mod_options['portal_archive_showsubscribed']) AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', NOT ISNULL(subscribethread.subscribethreadid) AS subscribed';
            $vba_news_join .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'subscribethread AS subscribethread ON (subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid AND subscribethread.userid = \''. $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . '\')';

        // Prefixes
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_prefix'])
            $vba_news_fields .= ', thread.prefixid';

        // Figure out the ordering query
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] != 'voteavg')
            if ($mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] == 'postdateline')
                $mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] = 'dateline';
            $mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] = 'thread.' . $mod_options['portal_news_orderby'];

        $lightboxid = '';
        $bbcode_parser->containerid = 'vba_news' . $newsmod['modid'];
        $lightboxid = '_' . $bbcode_parser->containerid;

        $origsettings_viewattachedimages = $vbulletin->options['viewattachedimages'];
        $origsettings_attachthumbs = $vbulletin->options['attachthumbs'];

        ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vba_cmps_module_news_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;

        $getnews = $db->query_read("
            SELECT $ratingsql user.*, thread.threadid, post.title, thread.replycount, postusername, postuserid, thread.dateline AS postdateline, sticky, thread.attach, thread.lastpostid, thread.lastposterid, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpost, IF(views<=thread.replycount, thread.replycount+1, views) AS views, thread.forumid, post.postid, pagetext
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
            LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON (post.postid = thread.firstpostid)
            LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid)
            WHERE thread.threadid IN(" . implode(',', $newstids) . ")
            " . iif(!$threadsqueried AND $mod_options['portal_news_cutoffdate'], 'AND thread.dateline > ' . (TIMENOW - ($mod_options['portal_news_cutoffdate'] * 86400))) . "
            " . iif($ignusers, 'AND thread.postuserid NOT IN(' . $ignusers . ')') . "
            " . iif($mod_options['portal_applypermissions'], $forumperms_query) . "
            ORDER BY " . iif($mod_options['portal_news_sticky'], 'sticky DESC, ') . $mod_options['portal_news_orderby'] . " $mod_options[portal_news_direction]
            " . iif($limitapplied, 'LIMIT ' . ($mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] + $mod_options['portal_news_enablearchive']), $newslimit) . "

        $newsrows = $db->num_rows($getnews);

        if ($newsrows > $mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'])
            if ($archive_tempname == 'exp')
                // Archive header
                $templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_archivebits_exp_head');
                $templater->register('mod_options', $mod_options);
                $newsarchivebits = $templater->render();

                // Table cell classes
                $bgclass = 'alt1';

                if ($show['lastpost'])
                    // Don't need a variable since it's after a known class, just switch

                if ($mod_options['portal_archive_showreplies'])
                    $class_reply = exec_switch_bg();

                if ($mod_options['portal_archive_showviews'])
                    $class_view = exec_switch_bg();

                if ($mod_options['portal_newsarchive_showforum'])
                    $class_ftitle = exec_switch_bg();
 // Lean template
                 $archive_rep_view_comma = ($mod_options['portal_archive_showreplies'] AND $mod_options['portal_archive_showviews']) ? ',' : '';
         while ($news = $db->fetch_array($getnews))
             /* Used in a template condition since a count without formatting is needed */
             $news['reply_noformat'] = $news['replycount'];
             $news['dateposted'] = vbdate($mod_options['portal_news_dateformat'], $news['postdateline'], '', '');
             // Grab the preview, but only for the archive
             if ($archivemod['modid'] AND $mod_options['portal_news_archivepreview'] AND $newscount > $mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] AND $vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] AND ($adv_forumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']))
                 // The vB preview function can be intensive w/ long strings, so let's try to save some overhead
                 $news['preview'] = substr($news['pagetext'], 0, ($vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] * 10));
             $news['threadtitle'] = $news['title']; // set for multipage links
             $news = process_thread_array($news, '', iif($newscount <= $mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'], $mod_options['portal_news_showicon'], $mod_options['portal_archive_showicon']));
             // Rating
             $news['rating'] = intval(round($news['voteavg']));
             // ##### Main News Module
             if ($newscount <= $mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] AND $newsmod['modid'])
                 // Signature
                 $show['signature'] = false;
                 if ($mod_options['portal_news_showsignature'] AND $news['showsignature'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['showsignatures'] AND $news['signature'])
                     $show['signature'] = true;
                     $bbcode_parser->set_parse_userinfo($news, cache_permissions($news, false));
                     $news['signature'] = $bbcode_parser->parse(

                    if ($bbcode_parser->parse_userinfo['sigpic'] AND !$vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
                        $news['signature'] = str_replace(
                            '"' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/image.php',

                // News Avatar
                if ($mod_options['portal_news_showavatar'] AND $vbulletin->userinfo['showavatars'])
                    if ($news['avatarpath'])
                        $news['avatarpath'] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $news['avatarpath'];
                    else if ($news['hascustom'])
                        $news['avatarpath'] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/';

                        if ($vbulletin->options['usefileavatar'])
                            $news['avatarpath'] .= $vbulletin->options['avatarurl'] . '/avatar' . $news['postuserid']. '_' . $news['avatarrevision'] . '.gif';
                            $news['avatarpath'] .= 'image.php?' . $session['sessionurl'] . 'u=' . $news['postuserid'] . '&amp;dateline=' . $news['avatardateline'];

                // Attach paperclip
                if (!$mod_options['portal_news_attachpaperclip'])
                    $news['attach'] = 0;
                    $show['paperclip'] = 0;

                // Forum perms
                if (empty($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']]))
                    $newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] = $adv_forumperms[$news['forumid']];

                $vbulletin->options['viewattachedimages'] = $origsettings_viewattachedimages;
                $vbulletin->options['attachthumbs'] = $origsettings_attachthumbs;

                if (!($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cangetattachment']) OR !($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']))
                    $vbulletin->options['viewattachedimages'] = 0;
                    $vbulletin->options['attachthumbs'] = 0;


¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
9 Ago 2010

                if ($mod_options['portal_news_bbcode_attach'])
                    $bbcode_parser->attachments =& $nattachcache[$news['postid']];

                $bbcode_parser->cached = array();

                // Use the post cache
                if ($mod_options['portal_news_postcache'])
                    $news['pagetext_html'] = $bbcode_parser->parse(

                    // Insert the parsed BB code
                    if ($bbcode_parser->cached['text'] AND $vbulletin->options['cachemaxage'])
                        $parsedposts .= '(
                            ' . $news['postid'] . ',
                            ' . TIMENOW . ',
                            ' . intval(STYLEID) . ',
                            ' . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ',
                            ' . $bbcode_parser->cached['has_images'] . ',
                            \'' . $db->escape_string($bbcode_parser->cached['text']) . '\'
                        ), ';

                    $news['message'] = $news['pagetext_html'];
                    $news['message'] = $bbcode_parser->do_parse(

                    $news['pagetext_html'] = $news['message'];

                // #### Strip characters and add "read more"
                if ($mod_options['portal_news_maxchars'] AND strlen($news['message']) > $mod_options['portal_news_maxchars'])
                    $trimmedlength = strrpos(substr($news['message'], 0, $mod_options['portal_news_maxchars']), ' ');
                    $news['message'] = substr($news['message'], 0, $trimmedlength);

                    // Make sure we're not cutting off in the middle of tags

                    // ##### <img>
                    $news['message'] = str_replace("<img", "<img style='border: 0;padding:5px;float:left;' width=50% height=50% " ,  $news['message']);
                    $news['message'] = str_replace("<img", "<img style='border:   0;padding:5px;float:left;' width=50% height=50% " ,  $news['message']);
                    $lastimage = strripos($news['message'], '<img');
                    if ($lastimage !== false)
                        $imagecheck = substr($news['message'], $lastimage);

                        // Don't have the end, so find it
                        if (strpos($imagecheck, ' />') === false)
                            $remainstring = substr($news['pagetext_html'], $trimmedlength);
                            $endimgpos = strpos($remainstring, ' />') + 3;

                            if ($endimgpos != false)
                                $news['message'] .= substr($remainstring, 0, $endimgpos);
                                $trimmedlength += $endimgpos;

                    // ##### <a>
                    $lasthref = strripos($news['message'], '<a');
                    if ($lasthref !== false)
                        $hrefcheck = substr($news['message'], $lasthref);

                        // Don't have the end, so just strip the tag
                        if (strpos($hrefcheck, '>') === false)
                            $news['message'] = substr($news['message'], 0, $lasthref);
                            $trimmedlength -= $lasthref;

                    // ##### <br />
                    $lastbr = strripos($news['message'], '<br');
                    if ($lastbr !== false)
                        $brcheck = substr($news['message'], $lastbr);

                        // Don't have the end, so add it
                        if (strpos($brcheck, ' />') === false)
                            $news['message'] .= ' />';
                            $trimmedlength += 3;

                    // ##### <table>
                    $lasttable = strripos($news['message'], '<table');
                    if ($lasttable !== false)
                        $tablecheck = substr($news['message'], $lasttable);

                        // Don't have the end, so strip the tag
                        if (strpos($tablecheck, '>') === false)
                            $news['message'] = substr($news['message'], 0, $lasttable);
                            $trimmedlength -= $lasttable;

                    // ##### <td>
                    $lasttd = strripos($news['message'], '<td');
                    if ($lasttd !== false)
                        $tdcheck = substr($news['message'], $lasttd);

                        // Don't have the end, so find it
                        if (strpos($tdcheck, '>') === false)
                            $remainstring = substr($news['pagetext_html'], $trimmedlength);

                            $endtdpos = strpos($remainstring, '>') + 1;

                            if ($endtdpos != false)
                                $news['message'] .= substr($remainstring, 0, $endtdpos);
                                $trimmedlength += $endtdpos;

                    // ##### <object>
                    $lastobject = strripos($news['message'], '<object');
                    if ($lastobject !== false)
                        $objectcheck = substr($news['message'], $lastobject);

                        // Don't have the end, so find it
                        if (strpos($objectcheck, '</object>') === false)
                            $remainstring = substr($news['pagetext_html'], $trimmedlength);

                            $endobjectpos = strpos($remainstring, '</object>') + 9;

                            if ($endobjectpos != false)
                                $news['message'] .= substr($remainstring, 0, $endobjectpos);
                                $trimmedlength += $endobjectpos;

                    // ##### Comment tags
                    $lastcom = strripos($news['message'], '<!');
                    if ($lastcom)
                        $comcheck = substr($news['message'], $lastcom);

                        // Don't have the end, so add it
                        if (strpos($comcheck, '-->') === false)
                            $news['message'] .= '-->';
                            $trimmedlength += 3;

                    // ##### <font>
                    $lastfont = strripos($news['message'], '<font');
                    if ($lastfont !== false)
                        $fontcheck = substr($news['message'], $lastfont);

                        if (strpos($fontcheck, '>') === false)
                            $news['message'] = substr($news['message'], 0, $lastfont);
                            $trimmedlength -= $lastfont;

                    // ##### Now check normal HTML tags
                    preg_match_all("/(<([\w]+)[^>]*>)/", $news['message'], $opentags);
                    preg_match_all("/(<\/([\w]+)[^>]*>)/", $news['message'], $closetags);

                    $opentags = array_count_values(array_reverse($opentags[2]));
                    $closetags = array_count_values(array_reverse($closetags[2]));

                    foreach ($opentags AS $otag => $value)
                        $otag = trim($otag);

                        switch ($otag)
                            case 'br':
                            case 'hr':
                            case 'img':
                            case 'param':


                            if ($closetags[$otag] != $value)
                                for ($i = $closetags[$otag]; $i < $value; $i++)
                                    $news['message'] .= '</' . $otag . '>';

                    $news['message'] .= '...' . construct_phrase($vbphrase['read_more'], $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $news['threadid'], $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']);

                // Edit Button
                $show['editbutton'] = ((($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['caneditpost']) AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $news['userid']) OR can_moderate($news['forumid'], 'caneditposts')) ? true : false;

                $show['replybutton'] = (($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canreplyothers']) AND $mod_options['portal_news_allowreplies']) ? true : false;

                // ##### Attachments
                if ($nattachcache[$news['postid']] AND $mod_options['portal_news_showattachments'])
                    foreach ($nattachcache[$news['postid']] AS $attachid => $attachment)
                        $attachment['filesize'] = vb_number_format($attachment['filesize'], 1, true);

                        ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vba_cmps_module_newsbits_attachmentbits')) ? eval($hook) : false;

                        if ($attachment['hasthumbnail'] AND $vbulletin->options['attachthumbs'] AND ($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cangetattachment']) AND ($newsforumperms[$news['forumid']] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']) AND $vbulletin->userinfo['showimages'])
                            $show['newwindow'] = $attachment['newwindow'];
                            $templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_newsbits_attach_thumb');
                            $templater->register('attachment', $attachment);
                            $templater->register('lightboxid', $lightboxid);
                            $news['attachment'] .= $templater->render();
                            $attachment['attachmentextension'] = file_extension($attachment['filename']);
                            $templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_newsbits_attach_inline');
                            $templater->register('attachment', $attachment);
                            $news['attachment'] .= $templater->render();

                // Thread prefix
                if ($news['prefixid'])
                    $news['prefix'] = $vbphrase['prefix_' . $news['prefixid'] . '_title_rich'];

                // Icon
                $blockbullet = $vba_style['portal_blockbullet'];
                if ($mod_options['portal_news_showicon'])
                    $vba_style['portal_blockbullet'] = '';
                    if ($news['threadiconpath'])
                        $vba_style['portal_blockbullet'] = '<img alt="" border="0" src="' . $news['threadiconpath'] . '" title="' . $news['threadicontitle'] . '" class="inlineimg" />';

                ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vba_cmps_module_newsbits')) ? eval($hook) : false;

                // Separate the posts
                if ($mod_options['portal_news_legacy'])
                    $mods['title'] = ($news['prefix'] ? $news['prefix'] : '') . ' <a href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . fetch_seo_url('thread', $news) . '">' . $news['title'] . '</a>';

                    $mods['collapse'] = $newsmod['modid'] . '_' . $news['threadid'];

                    $show['table'] = false;

                    $templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_newsbits');
                    $templater->register('mod_options', $mod_options);
                    $templater->register('news', $news);
                    $templater->register('newscount', $newscount);
                    $templater->register('vba_style', $vba_style);
                    $modulehtml = $templater->render();

                    if ($newsmod['useshell'] & $vba_shellint['enable'])
                        if ($newsmod['useshell'] & $vba_shellint['collapse'])
                            $modcollapse = 'display: none';
                            $modimgcollapse = '_collapsed';
                            $modcollapse = $vbcollapse['collapseobj_module_' . $mods['collapse']];
                            $modimgcollapse = $vbcollapse['collapseimg_module_' . $mods['collapse']];
                        $show['divrow'] = false;

                        $templater = vB_Template::create($news_wrappername);
                        $templater->register('mods', $mods);
                        $templater->register('vba_style', $vba_style);
                        $templater->register('modulehtml', $modulehtml);
                        $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] .= $templater->render();
                        $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] .= $modulehtml;
                // No separation
                    $templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_newsbits');
                    $templater->register('mod_options', $mod_options);
                    $templater->register('news', $news);
                    $templater->register('newscount', $newscount);
                    $templater->register('vba_style', $vba_style);
                    $newsbits .= $templater->render();

                $vba_style['portal_blockbullet'] = $blockbullet;

            // ##### News Archive
            else if ($archivemod['modid'])
                $mods['modcol'] = $archivemod['modcol'];
                if ($mods['modcol'] != 1)
                    $bgclass = exec_switch_bg();

                if (strlen($news['title']) > $mod_options['portal_archive_maxchars'] AND $mod_options['portal_archive_maxchars'])
                    $news['title'] = fetch_trimmed_title($news['title'], $mod_options['portal_archive_maxchars']);

                // Attach paperclip
                if (!$mod_options['portal_archive_attachpaperclip'])
                    $news['attach'] = 0;
                    $show['paperclip'] = 0;

                ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vba_cmps_module_news_archivebits')) ? eval($hook) : false;

                $templater = vB_Template::create('adv_portal_archivebits_' . $archive_tempname);

                $show['table'] = ($archive_tempname == 'exp');

                $templater->register('mod_options', $mod_options);
                $templater->register('news', $news);
                $templater->register('vba_style', $vba_style);
                $newsarchivebits .= $templater->render();

        $vbulletin->options['viewattachedimages'] = $origsettings_viewattachedimages;
        $vbulletin->options['attachthumbs'] = $origsettings_attachthumbs;


        // ##### Archive (module shell)
        if ($archivemod['modid'] AND ($archivemod['useshell'] & $vba_shellint['enable']) AND $newsarchivebits)
            $mods['link'] = '';
            if ($archivemod['link'])
                eval('$mods[\'link\'] = "' . addslashes($archivemod['link']) . '";');

            $mods['colspan'] = $archivemod['colspan'];
            $mods['title'] = $archivemod['title'];
            $mods['collapse'] = $archivemod['modid'];

            if ($archivemod['useshell'] & $vba_shellint['collapse'])
                $modcollapse = 'display: none';
                $modimgcollapse = '_collapsed';
                $modcollapse = $vbcollapse['collapseobj_module_' . $archivemod['modid']];
                $modimgcollapse = $vbcollapse['collapseimg_module_' . $archivemod['collapse']];

            $modulehtml =& $newsarchivebits;

            $templater = vB_Template::create($archive_wrappername);
            $templater->register('mods', $mods);
            $templater->register('modulehtml', $modulehtml);
            $templater->register('vba_style', $vba_style);
            $home[$archivemod['modid']]['content'] = $templater->render();
        else if ($archivemod['modid'])
            $home[$archivemod['modid']]['content'] =& $newsarchivebits;

        // ##### Process news module if not splitting posts and we have no module shell
        if ($newsbits AND !$mod_options['portal_news_legacy'])
            $mods['modcol'] = $newsmod['modcol'];
            $mods['colspan'] = $newsmod['colspan'];
            $mods['title'] = $newsmod['title'];
            $mods['collapse'] = $newsmod['modid'];
            $modcollapse = $vbcollapse['collapseobj_module_' . $newsmod['modid']];
            $modimgcollapse = $vbcollapse['collapseimg_module_' . $newsmod['modid']];
            $show['divrow'] = false;
            $show['table'] = false;
            $modulehtml = $newsbits;

            if ($newsmod['useshell'])
                $templater = vB_Template::create($news_wrappername);
                $templater->register('mods', $mods);
                $templater->register('vba_style', $vba_style);
                $templater->register('modulehtml', $modulehtml);
                $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] = $templater->render();
                $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] = $modulehtml;

        // ##### Lightbox stuff
        if ($vbulletin->options['lightboxenabled'])
            if (!defined('lightbox_js'))
                $headinclude .= "\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/clientscript/vbulletin_lightbox.js?v=' . $vbulletin->options['simpleversion'] . '"></script>';
                define('lightbox_js', true);

            $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] = '<div id="vba_news' . $newsmod['modid'] . '">' . $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] . '</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    vBulletin.register_control("vB_Lightbox_Container", "vba_news' . $newsmod['modid'] . '", ' . $vbulletin->options['lightboxenabled'] . ');

        // ##### Pagination
        if ($mod_options['portal_news_threadsperpage'] AND (($newsrows >= ($mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] + $mod_options['portal_news_enablearchive'])) OR $vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar]))
            $vba_news_where = 'visible = 1 AND open != 10';

            if (!empty($mod_options['portal_threadids']))
                $vba_news_where .= ' AND (threadid IN(' . implode(',', $newstids) . ')';

            if (!empty($mods['inforums']))
                $vba_news_where .= iif(!empty($mod_options['portal_threadids']), ' OR', ' AND') . ' forumid IN(' . implode(', ', $mods['inforums']) . ')';

            if (!empty($mod_options['portal_threadids']))
                $vba_news_where .= ')';

            if ($mod_options['portal_news_cutoffdate'])
                $vba_news_where .= ' AND dateline > ' . (TIMENOW - ($mod_options['portal_news_cutoffdate'] * 86400));

            if ($ignusers)
                $vba_news_where .= ' AND postuserid NOT IN(' . $ignusers . ')';

            if ($mod_options['portal_applypermissions'])
                $vba_news_where .= $forumperms_query;

            $newscount = $db->query_first("
                SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
                FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
                WHERE $vba_news_where

            $oldshowpopups = $show['popups'];
            $show['popups'] = false;

            $newspagenav = construct_page_nav(
                max($vbulletin->GPC[$newspagevar], 1),
                min($newscount['count'], ($mod_options['portal_news_maxposts'] * $mod_options['portal_news_threadsperpage'])),
                $vba_options['portal_homeurl'] . '?' . $vba_options['portal_pagevar'] . '=' . $pages['name']

            $show['popups'] = $oldshowpopups;

            $home[$newsmod['modid']]['content'] .= '<div style="padding-bottom: ' . $vba_style['portal_vspace'] . 'px" class="floatcontainer">' . str_replace(
                '&amp;' . $newspagevar . '=',
            ) . '</div>';

        // Post cache
        if ($parsedposts)
                REPLACE INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postparsed
                    (postid, dateline, styleid, languageid, hasimages, pagetext_html)
                    " . substr($parsedposts, 0, (strlen($parsedposts) - 2))

    $foruminfo['allowratings'] = $oldforumratings;
    unset($newsbits, $newsarchivebits, $news);

    // reset the $mods variable
    if ($currentmodule == 'archive' AND !empty($archivemod))
        $mods = $archivemod;
    else if ($currentmodule == 'archive' AND !empty($newsmod))
        $mods = $newsmod;

    if ($mod_options['portal_news_showavatar'] AND $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote_printable'])
        $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote'] = $default_quote_template;


$mods['noshell'] = true;



¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
9 Feb 2010
mira aqui te dejo mi archivo news que uso yo vale :) (solo cambia de .txt a .php)

otra cosa, yo acabo de entrar a tu foro y todo lo veo normal... lo veo clarito

saludos :)