vBadvanced & Photopost Latest comments

  • Autor Autor ricarojo
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¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!

quise instalar photopost latest en el portal vBa CMPS, en el modulo donde tendria que salir las fotos sale esto

Warning: include(/localhost/cmps_comms.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\modules\cpms_coms_block.php on line 2

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/localhost/cmps_comms.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in [path]\modules\cpms_coms_block.php on line 2.

Las intrucciones para instalarlo son estas:

***********************Installation instructions.*****************************

This is a hack that will put a new block onto your vBadvanced powered front page with the 5 latest comments from your photopost pro installation in it.

To install this.

1. Open cmps_comms.php and edit all the variables to your own.

once done save.

2. open cpms_coms_block.php and change the path to the script to reflect yours.

once done save.

3. Upload cmps_comms.php to your photopost folder

4. upload cpms_coms_block.php to your module folder (cmps modules)

5. go to your vbulletin admin control panel.

6. in the left pane choose vBa CMPS and expand it, then choose 'add module'

7. choose php file

module title 'whatever you want to call it'

column 'which ever one you want it in'

active 'yes'

update all pages 'yes'

file to include 'cpms_coms_block.php'

identifier 'comms block'

clean file output 'yes'

use shell template 'yes'

and save......

mi problema esta al editar el cpms_coms_block.php :

echo "$cmpscomms";

disculpen mi ignorancia pero no puedo entender que camino le tengo que marcar, ojala me puedan ayudar, gracias de antemano