Tras actualizar a VB4.1.10 hay un misterioso problema.
Un usuario (administrador) pero no los demas, a la hora de pinhar en un determinado foro, (en culquiera de sus post) le sale un error:
Insertar CODE, HTML o PHP:
[B]Warning[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: Display_Readers_User in [/FONT][/COLOR][B][path]/includes/functions.php[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times] on line [/FONT][/COLOR][B]4316
[/B][B]Warning[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: Display_Readers_User in [/FONT][/COLOR][B][path]/includes/functions.php[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times] on line [/FONT][/COLOR][B]4316
[/B][B]Warning[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: Display_Readers_User in [/FONT][/COLOR][B][path]/includes/functions.php[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times] on line [/FONT][/COLOR][B]4316[/B]
... n eveces...
[B]Warning[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:5588) in [/FONT][/COLOR][B][path]/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_url.php[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]on line [/FONT][/COLOR][B]549[/B]
[B]Warning[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:5588) in [/FONT][/COLOR][B][path]/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_url.php[/B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times]on line [/FONT][/COLOR][B]553[/B]
Solo le pasa a el que sepamos. :-(
Hay otros administradores y no les pasa, y los usuarios y tampoco.
Se ha probado en distintas maquinas, se ha cambiado la ruta de cookies, se ha revisado la configuracion del usuario, no sabemos el proque de este comprotamiento indeseable.