Pos eso ke ya e usado el boton search pero ningun post trata de mi problema, en el manual de Advanced pone esto en una parte del faq:
The path to your forums directory is set incorrectly. Create a file called info.php with the following content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
Then upload that file into your forums directory on your server and go to the file in your browser. You will see a list of options that were set by your host. One of them is called:
Find that, copy that path, and paste it over what you currently have for your path in the cmps_index.php file. Re-upload your cmps_index.php file.
Pues bien, e creado ela rchivo info.php y me e leido todo lo que sale ( http://www.usuarios.lycos.es/shadowspage/info.php ) 20mil veces, me da que no he hecho algo bien porque no encuentro lo de _SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]
Bien, ai os dejo la direccion del archivo para que lo veais y si me lograis ayudar, no veais como lo agradezco.
Gracias de antemano =)
The path to your forums directory is set incorrectly. Create a file called info.php with the following content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
Then upload that file into your forums directory on your server and go to the file in your browser. You will see a list of options that were set by your host. One of them is called:
Find that, copy that path, and paste it over what you currently have for your path in the cmps_index.php file. Re-upload your cmps_index.php file.
Pues bien, e creado ela rchivo info.php y me e leido todo lo que sale ( http://www.usuarios.lycos.es/shadowspage/info.php ) 20mil veces, me da que no he hecho algo bien porque no encuentro lo de _SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"]
Bien, ai os dejo la direccion del archivo para que lo veais y si me lograis ayudar, no veais como lo agradezco.
Gracias de antemano =)