Te van a responder que tienes clicks inválidos en la publicidad desktop, es la respuesta que están dando a todos...
Este es el email:
Upon checking, I have noticed that the key metrics such like CPC, RPM, clicks included revenue has drop due to high invalid traffic issues. I'm sorry to hear that you've received invalid traffic deductions. I took a look at the deductions on your account and they are due to users on your site accidentally clicking on AdSense ad units.
You can reduce incidences of accidental clicking by making sure your ad implementation doesn’t encourage clicking on the ad units and can’t be mistaken as site content. Begin by reviewing your ad implementation to ensure;
- Ads are not placed too close to other clickable content. You can do this by increasing the distance between the ad unit and your site’s content.
- Any navigation buttons (e.g. next page icon) are positioned below above any ad units.
- All your ads are clearly labeled as ad units by using "Advertisements" or "Sponsored links" above the ad unit.
In an effort to protect our traffic systems we can only share certain details about the invalid click activity on your account, but hopefully this will be enough for you to work with:
- Your earnings were deducted due to the detection of invalid click activity particularly on desktop web and mostly coming from your site XXXXXXXX
- I would also advise you to use Google Analytics to segment your users and monitor your web traffic. If you experience that users are visiting for one or two seconds at unusual times of the day, this may be the invalid traffic that is generating invalid clicks and then leaving your site. If you also find that users are visiting your site from unusual IP addresses, these users may also be responsible for invalid activity on your site.
I hope you’ll find this information is helpful to act upon and if you take the above recommendations, you should find reduced invalid click deductions over the coming months. I would also be happy to check if your level of invalid traffic has decreased in the coming weeks after you implement some of the recommendations.
Yo quitaré el bloque de publicidad que está cerca del botón de anterior y siguiente los artículos, y aparte pondré un minitexto arriba que ponga "Publicidad" en los bloque manuales que tengo, el otro 80% son todos automáticos.