Smf 1.1.10 a VBulleting 3.8.4. Impex en accion

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¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
2 Sep 2009
bueno, pues quiero cambiar de SMF a vBulletin, ya tengo el nuevo vB 3.8.4 funcionando y ahora me queda exportar los datos de la BD de SMF.

Tengo instalado Impex 1.92, pero me quedo en el primer paso "Check and update database", con lo que no me deja continuar.

Esto es lo que me sale:
Altering tables

ImpEx will now Alter the tables in the vB database to include import id numbers. This is needed during the import process for maintaining references between the tables during an import. If you have large tables (i.e. lots of posts) this can take some time. They will also be left after the import if you need to link back to the original vB userid.
moderator - importmoderatorid Completed
usergroup - importusergroupid Completed
ranks - importrankid Completed
poll - importpollid Completed
forum - importforumid Completed
forum - importcategoryid Completed
user - importuserid Completed
style - importstyleid Completed
thread - importthreadid Completed
post - importthreadid Completed
thread - importforumid Completed
smilie - importsmilieid Completed
pmtext - importpmid Completed
avatar - importavatarid Completed
customavatar - importcustomavatarid Completed
customprofilepic - importcustomprofilepicid Completed
post - importpostid Completed
attachment - importattachmentid Completed
pm - importpmid Completed
usernote - importusernoteid Completed
phrase - importphraseid Completed
subscription - importsubscriptionid Completed
subscriptionlog - importsubscriptionlogid Completed

Valid found tables :

Possibly custom tables or incorrect prefix :

smfattachments NOT found.
smfboard_permissions NOT found.
smfboards NOT found.
smfcalendar NOT found.
smfcalendar_holidays NOT found.
smfcategories NOT found.
smfcollapsed_categories NOT found.
smflog_actions NOT found.
smflog_activity NOT found.
smflog_banned NOT found.
smflog_boards NOT found.
smflog_errors NOT found.
smflog_floodcontrol NOT found.
smflog_karma NOT found.
smflog_mark_read NOT found.
smflog_notify NOT found.
smflog_online NOT found.
smflog_polls NOT found.
smflog_topics NOT found.
smfmembergroups NOT found.
smfmembers NOT found.
smfmessages NOT found.
smfmoderators NOT found.
smfpermissions NOT found.
smfpoll_choices NOT found.
smfpolls NOT found.
smfsettings NOT found.
smfsmileys NOT found.
smfthemes NOT found.
smftopics NOT found.
smfsessions NOT found.

If you have all red tables, i.e. none correct this could possible be your table prefix :

Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct


¡Usuario con pocos negocios! ¡Utiliza siempre saldo de Forobeta!
2 Sep 2009
he podido pasar el primer paso, solo debia poner como prefijo SMF_, antes solo ponia SMF

aun asi no consigo ver ni los mensajes ni las secciones importadas. solo los usuarios