Por favor, ten en cuenta 📝 que si deseas hacer un trato 🤝 con este usuario, está baneado 🔒.
En mi web hay una opción para que los usuarios suban blogs, me gustaria agregarle la opción que esta señalada en rojo.
¿alguien sabe como se puede hacer?
¿alguien sabe como se puede hacer?
class blogs extends story{
public $list_type = 'ul';
function blogs() {
global $nav,$ubase;
$nav[] = url('blogs','Blogs');
//$this->stories_from_cat = t('Lasted blogs in this category');
$this->top_stories = 1;
$this->about_the_author = 0;
$this->stories_from_cat = t('Related posts');
$this->tags = 1;
$this->allow_vote = 1;
$this->story_opts = array('tofavorite'=>1);
$this->act_write = t('added a blog post');
$this->label_entry = t('blog entries');
function convert_content_before_insert($content) {
if (!file_exists('js/tiny_mce/jquery.tinymce.js')) {
return nl2br(
preg_replace('/<a /i','<a rel="nofollow external" ',$content)
else {
return preg_replace('/<a /i','<a rel="nofollow external" ',$content);
function ajax_form($page_type='') {
global $client;
if (!$client) die('login');
if ($page_type == 'u' || $_REQUEST['page_type'] == 'u') {
$privacy_form = privacy_form();
echo '
<strong>'.t('Blog Title').'</strong>: <input type="text" size="55" name="blog_title" /><br />
<textarea rows="9" cols="55" name="blog_content"></textarea><br />
'.t('Tags').': <input type="text" size="25" name="tags" /> <span class="sub">('.t('Separated with commas').')</span>
<div style="padding-right:25px;text-align:right">
function ajax_post() {
global $client,$page_type;
if (!$client) die('login');
if (!$_POST['blog_title']) blogs::ajax_error(t('Please input a Title'));
$vote_options['rating'] = t('Rating');
foreach ($vote_options as $key=>$vla) {
$ratings[$key] = array('score'=>0,'users'=>0);
$page = story::check_page_access($_POST['page_id']);
$story = array(
'cid' => 0,
'page_id' => $_POST['page_id'],
'title' => $_POST['blog_title'],
'content' => nl2br(preg_replace('/<a /i','<a rel="nofollow external" ',$_POST['blog_content'])),
'uid' => $client['id'],
'created' => time(),
'app' => 'blogs',
'var5' => $_POST['privacy'],
'rating' => serialize($ratings)
$stags = array();
$tags = explode(',',$_POST['tags']);
if (is_array($tags)) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if (count($stags) > 5) {
$tag = strtolower(trim($tag));
if (strlen($tag) > 0 && strlen($tag) < 50) {
$stags[] = $tag;
if ($num = count($stags)) {
$story['tags'] = implode(',',$stags);
if (sql_insert($story, tb().'stories')) {
$sid = $story['id'] = mysql_insert_id();
// write act
$attachment = array(
'cwall_id' => 'blogs'.$sid,
'uri' => 'blogs/viewstory/'.$sid,
'name' => $_POST['blog_title']
$app = array('name'=>'blogs','id'=>$sid);
$stream_id = stream_publish(t('added a blog'),$attachment,$app);
$set_story['id'] = $sid;
$set_story['stream_id'] = $stream_id;
echo t('Blog Added!').' <a href="'.url('blogs/viewstory/'.$sid).'"><strong>'.t('View').'</strong></a>';
else {
blogs::ajax_error('failed to add blog');
echo blogs::ajax_form();
function ajax_error($msg) {
echo '<div style="color:red">'.$msg.'</div>';
echo blogs::ajax_form();